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"When did you guys get here?" Max asked.

I shrugged. "Like fifteen minutes ago." But I was already prepared to go back to the palace, or better yet, Georgia. I needed to get out.

"Maggie said you were bleeding when you came in."

I blinked. Did I have to talk about that? Telling Max about the whole bullet wound thing didn't sound like a good idea in the slightest. I would just have to explain a whole lot more, and then he would tell the others, and that was just another thing I didn't want to do. So I just replied, "No."

Dante let out a laugh, and then covered his mouth with his fist. I turned to glare at him, and he responded by laughing some more.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He dropped his hand, but he still looked amused. "Do you hear yourself sometimes?"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't make a joke."

"Hey, Max! Come get your kid!" Harrison yelled from down the hallway, but I heard his voice approaching.

"One minute!" Max replied, turning to yell out the door. He rotated back to look at us, seemingly serious now. Footsteps came closer down the hall. "So you're not hurt? You're really giving me nothing to work with here—"

"Maxwell, what in fuck's name are you doing in there?" Harrison grumbled, and then the door opened wide, knocking into Max's back as it did. I saw his eyes narrow at Max, but he only glanced at Max. Not at us.

"Language, Harrison." Max scolded, crossing his arms over his chest. "She's four."

Venice grinned, holding up four fingers on her hand.

Harrison was holding Venice on his side, supporting her with one arm. Her eyes found Dante and I, and she immediately reached out as if she could grab us. "Princess!"

Harrison then turned his head, and his eyebrows raised at the sight of us. "Prince Dante?" He set Venice down on the hard floor. She instantly ran over to me and grabbed my hand, tugging me towards the door.

"I want to show you my castle."

I nodded distractedly, unable to take my eyes off of Harrison. He was far older, and it was so much more noticeable than Nolan or Max, but he still had those dark green eyes, and he was taller than Max, who already towered over me.

Dante's still taller, though, my stupid brain reminded me, and I almost groaned aloud. Why did he plague my every thought?

This whole situation was just so difficult. They had all aged so much, and obviously I did, too, but there were so many of them. They only had to deal with me being back, and I had everything to deal with.

"Princess," She groaned, tugging me away. I stumbled after her, my heart in my throat. "Come on."

"Venice, let her go." Max told his daughter, who was dragging me with all her might towards the door. I obviously didn't want to do that, since that meant nearing Harrison, as well as seeing more of the house, and possibly its inhabitants. And that stupid cat.

Venice, thankfully, obliged, but not without a pout. "Okay." She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. Harrison smiled at her sass.

His eyes then landed on me, and his brows furrowed in confusion. "I didn't know we were having guests." He brought those eyes back to Dante, giving him a once over, as if making sure it was him. "Let alone the Prince, and...?" His voice trailed off as he tried to place who it was.

Was that how this would be? Some of them recognizing me, while the others had no clue who I was. This was a crappy guessing game that only resulted in more pain. Well, at least it was going to continue to be a guessing game, since Harrison obviously didn't recognize me.

The Luna CureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora