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The hospital visit went by in a blur. Dante never left the room, afraid the doctors would discover that I wasn't human, which they didn't. The doctor got to work quickly, and then he gave me a cream for my burns. We were out of there in an hour.

I had settled back into the car rather uncomfortably, and Dante tried to get me to lay in the back again, but I fought him for shotgun, simply because I wanted the girls to ride with us.

Now, all four of us sat in the car, listening only to the radio—I had changed it to a music station now, and the girls seemed to relax with the music. We were headed towards Millie's home now, a two hour drive from Gilette. Dante had thought it useless to get the plane to travel that short a distance, so we drove. After, we would all drive back to the airport, fly to Paris, and take Daisy home.

We had only been driving for half an hour, when someone finally said something.

"Why isn't Batilda dead?" It wasn't Daisy, which surprised me. I had thought that Millie was too preoccupied staring at Dante to even be thinking about that, but I was obviously wrong.

Dante squeezed the steering wheel, glancing over at me before speaking. "She's put multiple spells on Florence, and if she were to die with those spells not reversed, they could never be undone. So we can't kill her yet." His eyes glanced back to me, before returning to the road. He must've thought she was a sensitive subject or something.

Obviously, she wasn't. I knew Batilda like I knew the back of my hand.

Millie raised an eyebrow. "But Batilda is more dangerous alive."

Although I disliked it, Millie was completely right. Batilda was much more cunning than anyone would ever give her credit for. I'm sure if she tried, Batilda could escape.

The very thought brought shivers down my back.

Before anyone could say anything, Daisy's stomach growled, the sound rivaling an avalanche.

Dante glanced back at them through the mirror. "Do we need to stop for food? How long has it been since you've eaten?"

Daisy cringed. "Maybe a couple of days? This other woman came and gave us food while you were gone."

I stiffened. Other woman? Was that the woman who attacked me? That would explain why she was there.

Dante made eye contact, and it was clear we were thinking the same thing.

We passed a road sign that indicated a McDonald's was only a few kilometers away. Millie sighed in the backseat.

"Oh, I haven't had McDonald's in years. Can we please go?" She begged.

Dante nodded. "Of course." He glanced back at the rather empty highway we rode on, with much less cars on the road than usual.

Dante changed lanes, and we pulled off the highway, driving towards a town.

I glanced around. This place looked familiar, and I didn't know why. As we drove, the strange feeling of familiarity got stronger, until I was frustrated with myself.

It wasn't until we drove past a soccer field that it all clicked. We had been here for one of Isaac's soccer tournaments. We had told Isaac we couldn't make it, but we ended up surprising him by showing up anyway.

I leaned my head against the window, remembering bits and pieces of the game. I remember Isaac scoring the final goal of the last game, winning the tournament for his team. Isaac was always the best player on every team he played on, and his skill set was unmatched.

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