🌹 The Aftermath

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Gabbriel can't really remember what happened after that. She heard the cheers, a white light beamed past her close lids, then silence. It was kinda relaxing honestly. She knew the war between Phantom Lord and Fairy tail was only three days, but it felt like years for her.

The black haired girl searched through the bond to see if Gajeel was seriously hurt. Luckily, the worst she found was a sprained wrist and some deep cuts though she did feel concern. Gabbey felt Gajeel search through the bond as well, finding her aching ribs and fingers, the cut on her nose had dried up by now.

But she was still in shock. Her whole body trembled slightly with a tidal wave of emotions drowning her.  We lost. . .How could we, the Iron Twins, lose to a pathetic fairy. . .

She could practically hear her brothers thoughts run through her head - even though as cool as it sounded, the twins couldn't read each other's thoughts - and winced.

  How did it end up like this. . .

A sudden - very annoying - voice knocked Gabbey out of her depressing thoughts. "Hey. Can you two hear me?"

Besides the twitch of Gajeel's fingers, the older male didn't respond, so Gabbey didn't make a move to respond either. The wind tousled her hair again as Natsu continued.

   "F. . .Fine, Whatever." He huffed. "I can't be stuffed to talk so. . .I'm going to make this quick." Natsu grunted painfully, managing to roll himself onto his side. "Your. . .Dragon Slayer Magic. Where did you learn it?"

Gabbriel winced again, not at the pain physically, but mentally. Gajeel sent reassurance through the bond but still didn't move. There was a reason why the twins never mentioned their. . .father. They couldn't help but feel betrayal with how there dragon had left them. All by themselves, with only each other.

So. . .They stayed quiet.

   "Hey!!" Natsu snapped impatiently. "It's the first time I've met someone who uses the same magic as me! Better yet, twins who use the same magic! You could at least tell me-"

   "Shut up." Gajeel finally grunted, pissed off. Gabbriel hissed slightly, crawling slowly to a kneeling position while Gajeel lifted himself off the ground shakily.

   "Metalicana. . ." Gabbriel mumbled softly - the softest voice Natsu had ever heard her use.

   "The Steel Dragon, Metalicana."

   "So you two did learn from a dragon?!" Natsu exclaimed, scrambling down the rubble to get closer.

Two pairs of blood red eyes looked at each other before darting towards the Fire Dragon Slayer. "You too?" Gajeel asked.

   "How is he?" Natsu crawled over, ignoring the question Gajeel asked.

   "I dunno. . ." Gajeel mumbled, looking away. Gabbriel quickly sent some comfort while Natsu headbutted him.

   "How. . .Is. . .he?!"

   "He said he doesn't know, trash!" Gabbriel snapped, rolling her eyes as the two males turned away from each other to soothe their pounding heads. "Idiots. . ."

   "If I talk to you my brain will turn to ash." Gajeel stated, squeezing the bridge of his nose. Gabbriel scoffed slightly, slowing crawling over to her brother and swatting his hands away.

   "That'll make it worse. . ." She murmured, putting her fingers on his temples and slowly rotating them in circles. Gajeel let out a relaxed sigh, closing his eyes.

   "What did you say?!" Natsu growled.

   "He disappeared." Gabbriel interrupted before they could start another argument. "Metalicana suddenly disappeared one day. . .Without saying. . .anything."

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