🌹 The Day Of Remembrance

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It was an early sunny morning that Levy woke up to. At first, she didn't know why she awoke. Then, at the sound of someone knocking on her door, Levy stumbled out of bed and over to her door. 

   "What are you doing here?" Levy mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eye. Gabbriel stood at her door, a small bag on her back as she rocked on her heels, waiting. 

   "Come on, I'm taking you to a place." Is all the taller wizard said. 


   "Get dress, something you can walk a while in. I'm getting Wendy and then we'll meet up with Gajeel."


   "I'll be back in a little bit. Be ready."

Gabbey walked away, leaving Levy blinking in confusion. 

   "What just happened?" 


Roughly an hour later, Gabbey, Gajeel, Wendy, Levy, Daella, and Pantherlily were on a train. The group casually talked with each other, not a pause of silence between the small friend group. Something Gabbey almost considered a family. 

Not that she would say it out loud.

   "So, Gabbey," Levy asked, receiving a hum from said woman.  "Where are we going?"

   "We are going to a meadow," Gabbey started. "So I can show you guys something important."

   "How important?" Daella questioned curiously.

   "Very. You can't tell anyone of this. Or else."

There was a tense silence before Gajeel snorted, pushing the bond in amusement. "You make it seem like it's life or death,"

   "Good," Gabbey smiled. "It's not life or death, it's just important to me."

   "So, the life or death of your pride?" Levy teased. 

   "Har, har, har, very funny."

   "I thought it was a little funny," Wendy giggled, making Gabbey gasp. 

   "Not you, too! Look what you've done, Levy! Corrupting my apprentice like that!"

The group let out a laugh, as the train slowed to a stop. Daelle suddenly perked up, a grin on her face. 

   "Why don't we play a game?!"

   "What kind of game?" Wendy asked. 

   "Just a get-to-know game. You've guys clearly known each other for a while. Lily and I barely know anything about you guys!"

   "It would help strengthen our bonds," Lily thought out loud before nodding. "I agree."

   "Sure! Besides, with Gajeel and Gabbey only knowing where we're going, we might as well," Levy winked at the twins. Gabbey elbowed Gajeel in the ribs discretely, a smirk on her face as a rush of affection ran through the bond. 

   "Alright, who starts?" 

   "I will!" Daella sat up straighter and cleared her throat. "Hello! My name is Daella, but people call me Ella for short. I love to explore, meet new people, and have a lot of friend! My favorite color is pink and my favorite food is fish! Next!"

   "Okay!" Wendy grinned. "My name is Wendy! I love to learn, talk to my friends, and eat sweet foods! My favorite color is blue, like the sky!"

   "My name is Levy. I love to read, learn, shop, and go to the spa. My favorite color is orange, and I love sweets as well!"

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