21. To hold: on

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[Disclaimer: I am NOT English, but been learning the language for about 6 years. Grammar or my way of writing may therefore be  w e i r d  in some situations]
[Thanks for reading this far by the way!]
Rue's point of view
In the blackness of sleeping, a light, small, figure jumped on me. In the back, you could hear two people laughing their butts off, the tiny figure excitedly giggling on me by the attention of his parents.
I pretended to be asleep for ten more seconds, just so he could keep on hopping and giggling about.
"Hi", I uttered quietly, making Seb squeak of happiness.
"RUTH", he shouted by surprise, still proud over the pronunciation.
"Mornin' people", I said, rubbing my eyes to make my, somewhat blurry, sight better. I tapped my bedside table four times, because of my brain.
"It's Christmas!", Lin shouted, dancing into the room, as he threw some sort of piece of clothing at me. Right in my face, making me smile. "We are all wearing hideous Christmas jumpers!"
I mentally face palmed.
I sat up, putting on my fluffy slippers as Lin picked up his son - and now that I looked at them all, the hideous Christmas jumpers were on spot.
"Look! Mine's a Christmas tree!", Vanessa giggled, referring to her own one with actual blinking lights on. Not to mention, it did say 'best wife' on it too.
"Did you go crazy on eBay Lin, or what?", I jokingly questioned.
Lin nodded proudly, looking at his son, who were running down the hall, shouting exciting words.
"PRESENTS! CHRISTMAS! TREE!", I pulled on my sweatshirt, right arm first, per usual.
It doesn't feel right.
So I took it off, and put it on again.
Until I'd done it four times - I could finally stand up and follow Vanessa to the living room, who were hiding a concerned face under the happy grin.

It was still completely jet black outside, such an early morning to be awake.
"Oh my god, you guys!", I happily cheered as I saw the Christmas tree with blinking lights, glitter and the star in the top, presents underneath.
I big grin spread across my face, the only condition I'd accepted to do this was few present - which they'd kept.
Vanessa hugged me softly.
"This is the best", I exclaimed, sitting down on the floor, crossing my legs.
Tap the floor four times before.
In fear of something happening, I did.
"Wait! Lemme just snap a quick picture!", Lin said, placing Sebastian right next to me, facing the tree.
Sebastian back of his head facing the camera, per usual. 'The Seb rule', Lin had called it.
"Done", he announced, bounced down on the floor and handed me the first gift.
I smiley took it, and then reminded myself that I had some too.
"Wait a lil, I have some for you too!", I said, quickly running into my room, dragging out the box under my bed and collected the presents. My way. After switching the light switch on and off 23 times. And avoiding any cracks on the floor. I skipped back, placing them under the tree and in the corner of my ear, I could see Lin reaching for them.
"But you're not allowed to open them until Christmas Day!", I quickly reassured them.
"Aw, Rue! Please!", Lin exclaimed, making Vanessa laugh. I shook my head in response, stubborn as I was.
"Hah, okay then. Open your pressie!", Vanessa said excited, nodding towards the gift right next to me.
Sebastian jumped up on me, nicely helping me with unwrapping the festive paper.
Soon, the box was fully revealing a framed picture, the glass completely see through, but in the middle it was a cut-out state from one of those map books.
To be more precise, the state of New York, and where we lived, a handwritten 'home' and a dot were marked.
I went quiet.
"This is beautiful. Thank you", I breathed, and more words were unneeded.
Vanessa and Lin fist bumped, their way. Their secret handshake. I giggled.
"You won't get rid of us in the first place. This is your home for now, and as long as you want", Vanessa said, a big grin on her face, from cheek to cheek.
I looked at the frame in my hands again, my cheeks popping up like always when I smiled. Guinea pig cheeks.
Lin grabbed the next present, throwing it to me, so I suspected it wasn't that fragile.
"Next one!"

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