II (2)

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"C'mon! Please let us call you Elizabeth! Please!" Mabel was on her knees begging for the twelfth year in a row.

Mabel didn't quite like to call people by their middle names, plus, she really liked the name Elizabeth.

"Fine. Now, will you please let me finish this page? We'll probably be at the carriages in five minutes and I really want to finish this page." Elizabeth sighed, exasperated.

Knowing she had won, Mabel quietly sat down and bounced on the seat, excited.

"Okay, I'm done." Elizabeth put her book in her shoulder bag and pushed her glasses up.

"These new glasses are going to be the death of me!" She cried frustratedly.

"You got new glasses?" Alice looked over curiously.

"Of course she did! Can't you tell?!" Molly sighed.

"Dang Molly, if you have identical twins, you'd probably have no trouble telling them apart." Mabel yawned.

"My new glasses are really similar to my old glasses. Anyways, Mabel, why are you tired? You had, what? Twelve naps already?" Elizabeth picked up her bag and her trunk.

Elizabeth's trunk was shrunken to the size where it could fit into her bag; it was shrunken by her father. He was quite handy. The trunk was then magically expanded like the bag, undetectablely.

"I still don't get how Mr Turner does that." Mabel had to drag her trunk to the carriages.

"My father is a talented man." Elizabeth made her way into an empty carriage, followed by Mabel, Alice and Molly.

"Wait. The carriages don't leave for another few minutes. Right?" Elizabeth stopped.

"Yeah, why?" Mabel questioned.

"I need to give the Thestrals sugar cubes." Elizabeth made her way out of the carriage.

"Okay." Alice called.

Elizabeth hurriedly fed the invisible horses the sugar cubes and made her way into the carriage.

"So, what are these, Trestral things?" Molly asked curiously.

"First of all, it's THestrals not TRestrals. Secondly, you can only see them if you have witnessed death and understood it." Elizabeth adjusted her glasses.

"You can see them?" Mabel gasped.

"Yes." Elizabeth gave a short and simple reply.

"Who?" Alice asked kindly.

"My brother." Elizabeth blinked in tears.

Her friends rarely saw an emotional side of Elizabeth. So, when they say her near crying, they all comforted her. Which, surprisingly, only made her cry.

"How?" Molly asked simply yet sympathetically.

"He was murdered by a Death Eater whilst protecting me. That's all I'm saying." Elizabeth's tears were gone and her face was stone cold.

"I'm sorry." Mabel smiled.

"I am too. But, I am not like those stereotypical books where a character blames themself for their sibling's death. It was not my fault. I was seven. He was fifteen," Elizabeth took a deep breath, "I was ambushed by eleven Death Eaters. My brother jumped out of nowhere and was hit by a killing curse that was headed for me. The Death Eaters thought that I was a muggle. They all disapparated immediately. My brother was a good person. You probably would've heard of him as he was quite popular. He was Quidditch captain and Head Boy. His name was Elliot Jake Turner. We had the same initials." Elizabeth sighed sadly.

"Oh." Was all the three other girls could muster.

"Change of topic, we're at Hogwarts." Elizabeth picked up her trunk and placed it into her bag.

She then proceeded to pick up her bag and realize there was a recording device on it.

She studied it carefully. It was not a live recording. The person who placed it there would have to take it back to receive the actual audio.

Elizabeth looked around and found two more. She picked them up and gave them to the Thestrals who quickly destroyed them with a stamp of a hoof.

"Hey!" Elizabeth heard a voice behind her.

It was Sirius.

"What's your name?" He tried to distract her and discreetly check her bag.

So, he was the one who put it there.

"You know, if you want to record me, then try to take it back without me noticing, then, you really should be more discreet." Elizabeth scolded him.

"Oh..." Sirius awkwardly stood there, twiddling his thumbs, "Well, could I have it?" He asked.

"No, I destroyed it." Elizabeth walked off.

"Wait! I didn't get your name!" He called out behind her.

She turned around and smirked, "I know." And with that, she walked away, leaving him in awe.

As she walked away and joined her friends, he studied her.

Her reddish-brown hair bounced up and down. For some reason, she had the initials E.J.T. on a Hogwarts Quidditch Jersey, Hogwarts' black skirt, her Hogwarts robe that looked slightly big for her and finally, her worn out converse.

Oh wait, wasn't there was a dude called Elliot something Turner? The girl's brother perhaps. At least, Sirius thought she had a brother. Who else could it be?

He thought of one more thing. He needed to win her over.

Chase || Sirius Black || Marauders Eraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें