XIV (14) and an authors note

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A/N: Hai! I have a bad habit of starting books, getting unmotivated, getting writer's block, then, giving up. My mum recently just talked to me about it. She said, "If you want to start something, then, you have to finish it. Unless it's food. If it's food, give it to me." So, I'm gonna continue the books I've not updated on in a while. I'm not continuing on Harry Potter's Twin Sister. In fact, I'm going to delete it. I may or may not start a new Harry Potter's Twin Sister book in the future. And, focusing on A Different Harry Potter Story, I might pick it up in the future because I had great ideas for it before I let it go. (Now is not the time for jokes. If you make a joke, you might me FROZEN by me) hehe. So yeah, I guess that's what I wanted to say. Bai!

Wait, actually there's something more. I'd like to give a big, huge apology to one of my dearest friends: MJHynd from the bottom of my bottomless soul, I'd like to say, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the crap I've been giving you. I'm sorry for the things I've said, maybe I didn't mean for them to hurt you, but, they did. I'm sorry for all I've done. I'm honestly disappointed and disgusted with myself. I was taught better. Why did I do this? I dunno. I guess I have a lot of pressure and just stress on my shoulders and I needed to let it off. That's still not a good reason to talk shit to you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. And pretend I'm Sirius this chapter. You are Riley. Give me your hardest kicks and punches. I will suffer what I have been doing to you. I promise I will stop, and if I don't, EVERYONE can give me the worst hate they've got. Unfollow me. I don't care. I just want my best friend back. So, this chapter will be 1k words, more or less, and completely, utterly, dedicated to you, the lovely, MJHynd Enjoy.

Sirius zoned in on Elizabeth and made his way towards her, but, not before Riley kicked him in the gut.

"Ow! What the flipping heck was that for?" Sirius groaned as he rolled around on the floor.

Riley didn't stop though, she continued to kick him, whilst he was on the floor, "That was for your stupid dare, bet, thingy!"

"Stop! You're hurting me!" Sirius cried out.

"Yeah? Well this is for the crap you've done to Elizabeth. This is for bullying me when I was seven about my pixie cut. This is for being a man whore. And this is for being a total arsehole!" With one last kick, Riley knocked him out, blood flowing freely from three different spots.

"Riley! Violence is never the way to solve conflicts!" Polly screamed.

"I'm sorry. I had to get all my anger out on someone. Someone was an arse. Someone who was my best friend until I got a pixie cut and became 'unattractive'. Someone named Sirius Orion Black The Flippin' Third." And with that, Riley stomped away, fuming with anger, hatred and most of all, sadness.

Sirius woke up and spoke raspily, "I deserved that."

"Like hell you did." Polly and Jessica spoke up.

Sirius clumsily got up, sneaking one last glance at Elizabeth, and left, stumbling and leaving blood drops behind.

"That-that's ought to leave a nasty mark." Wheezed Elizabeth from her bed.

"Elizabeth! You're awake!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Do you need water?"

"I'm bac- Ohmygosh! Elizabeth!"

Everyone began clamoring around her, even Riley who had returned after wandering the halls and receiving multiple detentions.

"I'm fine." Was all Elizabeth gave in reply.

They all stopped talking at once and quietly went to bed.

The Next Morning

Elizabeth got dressed in her Hogwarts robes as usual and walked to the Great Hall, alone, as usual.

When she got there, she saw Sirius Black smirking whilst Riley looked like she was almost in tears.

As Elizabeth approached nearer to Riley, she noticed Professor Flitwick, the head of their house, speaking in a grave and low tone to Riley.

Elizabeth caught the words, "Suspended. Violence. Bad. 7 days. After. Detention. 9 weeks."

Elizabeth's eyes widened and she quickly walked up to Flitwick and Riley.

"Professor Flitwick! I promise and ensure you that Riley was doing nothing wrong. Sirius came bursting into our dorm past curfew hours. The Ravenclaw girls dorm. He unpolitely barged towards me, probably to assault and molest me, before Riley saved me by using self defense and kicking him. She saved me! Then, apparently she said that Sirius bullied her for being "not attractive" enough. THAT IS BULLCRAP AND BULLYING. YOU HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR SIRIUS?" Elizabeth screamed.

"Is this true Miss Ping?" Professor Flitwick raised a nonexistent eyebrow.

"Yes professor." Riley muttered, thankful for Elizabeth's save.

"Hence that fact and statement, you will have a week's worth of detention. I will go speak to Professor McGonagall and Mr Black." And with that, Flitwick left.

"Thanks." Riley mumbled into Elizabeth's shoulder as they hugged.

"No problem."

They pulled apart and grabbed some food, leaving.

Before they left, Elizabeth snuck one last glance at Sirius and saw him gaping in disbelief, shock and, anger? Was he mad. Oh no, he was completely pissed.

Sirius POV

"Are you serious?!" He screeched.

"No wait, I am." Sirius declared proudly.

"Mr Black, now is not the time for jokes and I am in fact, dead serious." Dumbledore winked.

Sirius Black was sat in Dippet's office whilst Dumbledore talked.

"You punishment shall be 1 week of suspension, and 27 detentions of polishing brooms and not being told the password to your dorm." Dippet spoke firmly.

"What?!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Off you pack now. We shall send you off and see you in a week." Dumbledore said.

"But!" Sirius protested.

"Nuh-uh! Goodbye Mr Black."

Few hours later

"Why does this always happen to me?! Why world. Why?!" Sirius cried at the sky when he was outside and boarding Hogwarts Express.

"See ya Siri." James, Remus and Peter stood on the platform.

"Bye arsehole." Elizabeth waved and flipped him off.

Then, Sirius, Hagrid and the Hogwarts Express were off.

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