XI (11)

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Elizabeth woke up with a start and looked around.

Surronding her was a great darkness, almost smoky-like. It was obscure and she could barely see.

Was she dead?

The memories suddenly came rushing back to her, memories that she spent so long to push into the back of her mind -- memories almost too painful to think about.

She walked around unknowingly and came upon a mirror. The mirror was embroidered in gold silk details, roses and laurel leaves.

Elizabeth tenderly reached out a hand and her fingers brushed across the border.

Roses, laurel leaves and a white and gold mist swirled around her.

At that moment she realized she was naked, she blushed even though no one was there.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath. When she peeled open her eyes, she looked down and saw a silky white dress was on her.

A laurel leaf crown twisted with roses on a gold headband was adorned upon her red-brown locks.

Her glasses were still on her face yet something felt different.

Elizabeth grinned to no one in particular and continued to stroll around.

Then, all of a sudden, with absolutely no warning, a fierce pain wracked her body.

She began to see red and black dots as she felt like her head was splitting open. She cried and wailed in pain.

Then, with a final scream, Elizabeth went silent.

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