VII (7)

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It was the Saturday and you couldn't even tell that Elizabeth had hurt her nose.

She was preparing for her date with Remus. Molly had the honors of "prettying up" Elizabeth because it was Molly's seventh and last year at Hogwarts.

They were in Elizabeth's dorm's bathroom. Elizabeth had let Alice, Mabel and Molly in.

"Sit still!"

"I can't! You're pulling my hair out!"

"Shut up."


"I'm doing the honors so be quiet!"

"Ow. Fine."

Alice and Mabel had been waiting outside the bathroom. They were giggling at the two friends fighting.

Elizabeth stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later.

Her hair was left down in all it's curly glory. She was wearing her glasses because she couldn't see anything without them.

Elizabeth had on black tights, a grey shirt with a pygmy puff on it, black sneakers, and her Hogwarts robes.

As Elizabeth walked towards Mabel and Alice, she tripped over her laces, resulting in her falling on her face.

"Ow..." Elizabeth stumbled up and exited her dorm.

Elizabeth walked out the common room and went to meet Remus for their "date".

"H-hi." Elizabeth awkwardly stuttered.

"Hey." Remus smiled.

"I didn't mean the kiss that night!" Elizabeth blurted out, "Oh no! I probably just ruined everything! I'm so sor-" She was cut off by Remus.

"It's alright." Remus grinned and they walked off.

As soon as they left, Sirius popped up from behind a potted plant.

He took a secret passageway to Honeydukes and looked around for Remus and Elizabeth.

He spotted Elizabeth sitting alone at Madam Puddifoot's, waiting for Remus to return from the bathroom.

"Hey." Sirius slid into the seat across from Elizabeth.

"What do you want?" Elizabeth looked for Remus.

"Remus is feeling sick, so, I'm taking over."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"He went to the bathroom."

"N-no he didn't."

"Yes he did."

"He got sick in the bathroom."

"Even if he did, this date is over if it's with you."


"Yup. You're an insufferable bastard. Or a hairy girl."

"I'll choose the latter because girls are hot! But, maybe this will change your mind."

Sirius leaned in and tried to kiss Elizabeth.

Right before his lips met Elizabeth's, she dumped her tea on his head.

Then, they heard, "What in the name of Merlin's beard is happening?!"

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