IV (4)

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Sirius strutted back in the Great Hall, nose stuck up in the air.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a certain girl making out with a certain Marauder.

"Ahem." Sirius looked down at Elizabeth and Remus.

The two of them pulled away, Elizabeth blushing, her glasses slid down her nose as she looked down and twiddled her thumbs.

"Oh! Ahhhhh... S-Sirius." Remus awkwardly stuttered.

Sirius flashed a fake smile and gritted his teeth, "Remus, I need to, um, speak with you. Alone."

Elizabeth blushed again and pulled out a book. She intently read the book as the two Marauders walked away.

"So, what d'ya need to speak about?" Remus leaned against the doorway of the Great Hall.

"Listen, I will spill your furry little secret if you don't break up with Elizabeth." Sirius pushed Remus.

"W-what? Why?!" Remus exclaimed.

"Because." Sirius stated.

"I believe you have some explaining to do, Black." Elizabeth was stood beside Remus.

"Shoot," Sirius muttered, "Elizabeth! How would you like to dump Remus and go on a date with me, Sirius Orion Black?" He grinned.

"Okay." Elizabeth "blushed".

Remus gaped and Sirius looked surprised for a second, then, it changed to arrogance.

"Really? Ya wanna ride the S-train?" Sirius flexed his non-existence muscles and wiggled his eyebrows.

"No." Elizabeth spoke with confidence, "I'd rather blow up the R-bomb. If you know what I mean." She smirked.

Remus fainted, Sirius' jaw dropped, his eyeballs bulged out of their sockets and everyone else who heard, gasped at Elizabeth, who was supposed to be that stereotypical shy, clean-minded bookworm.

Professor McGonagall walked up and tsked.

"Miss Turner, please bring Mr Lupin to Madam Pomfrey. And Mr Black, close that mouth of yours before you catch flies." And with that, McGonagall briskly walked away.

"Yes Minnie." Sirius managed to blurt out long after she walked away.

Elizabeth innocently batted her lashes and called James over to help her carry Remus.

But, right before she left, when no one was looking, she obliviated everyone in the room except for Remus and Sirius.

And under her breath, she muttered, "Gotta keep my 'innocent' reputation. Not that it matters. I just wanna be quiet and read. No spotlight for me, thank you very much."

Everyone began chatting as if nothing had happened.

Sirius raised his arms in confusion and yelled, "Hey! How do you just forget about what Elizabeth just did?"


"What about her?"

"Mate, you've gone wacko."

"She just left with her boyfriend, Remus Lupin."

People looked at him strangely.

"I really have gone wacko." Sirius pinched the bridge of his nose.

At this moment, Elizabeth walked back into thr Great Hall. Then, she cast an invisibility spell on herself, vanished and giggled.

''I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Mischief will be managed.''

And with those thoughts, Elizabeth began to cause chaos.

Chase || Sirius Black || Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now