Creepypasta Last Meals

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Ok, for those of you who don't know what a 'last meal' is, it's basically the last thing you eat before you die when you're put on death row, and it can be virtually anything, as far as I'm concerned.

Jeff the Killer- Cheese and pickle sandwich, with celery (one of my personal favourites, don't knock it till ya try it. I don't care for celery tho. Sue me.)

Eyeless Jack- Kidneys... And cheese (Cheese is fucking delicious, ok?)

Laughing Jack- A fuckton of brown sugar (Do any of you eat brown sugar out of the bag?)

Masky- Plain-vanilla-boring cheesecake (I don't like cheesecake... Which is funny, 'cause I like both cheese and cake)

Hoodie- Just a sad, lone, mandarin orange (I like oranges... But that sounds depressing, even to me)

BEN Drowned- A metric ton of strawberry whipped cream (I've done something similar to this... It wasn't a metric ton tho, I've standards)

Sally- PB&J (Something every kid wants to eat before they die... Now that's fricking morbid)

Slenderman- Everything you find at one of those posh British tea parties (Right down to dem salmon and cucumber sandwiches)

Ticci Toby- An alarming amount of green apples (I was gonna say waffles, but... Nah, too predictable)

Clockwork- Cheese-strings (I had one of those once, swore never to do it again. My taste buds hated me)

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