Eyeless Jack and THANK YOU

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Though he tries to hide it, Jack has many cat-like tendencies. For example, he purrs (sometimes) always lands on his feet, hisses, and hates water.
Funnily enough, he also has the same adversion to tinfoil and cucumbers that cats to.
BEN once decided it would be real funny to place a cucumber next to his head while he slept and line the room in tinfoil.
Needless to say, BEN ended up hospitalized for a week.

(Cats hate tinfoil. You could make a maze out of tinfoil and they wouldn't walk on the tinfoil. They're also supposed to be scared of cucumbers.
OK. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS UPDATE, AND IT'S MY LONG OVERDUE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL FOR LEAVING COMMENTS AND VOTING AND SHIT. (I would've just updated saying thank you, but I figured I'd include a headcannon as well, as it ticks me off when author's update with something like this but it's ONLY the thank you or whatever.)
Also, guys, WTF- how the fuck- why the fuck- WHY IS THIS STORY ACTUALLY RATED 882 IN FANFICTION???? WTF DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS??
Again, thank you all very much, and sorry it took me so long to do so. :( )

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