Not actually a headcannon, so much as a question

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Ok. This has been on my mind for a while now.

So, rather recently, I've been reading those "how to tell if your creepypasta OC is a mary-sue." (I got bored. Sue me.)

Most of the stuff makes sense, and I'm going yep yep yep, when I come across one attribute that made me pause.

According to several authors of these mary-sue guide... things, a knife is a stereotypical weapon and having your character use one makes them an OC.

Now yes, I acknowledge that the knife is pretty stereotypical, but does having a character that use them really make them a Mary Sue? Because here's the thing with Mary Sue's: oftentimes they're very unrealistic, stupidly so. And usually- if not all the time- the Mary Sue-ness is in their personality.

Is a knife part of your personality? Obviously not. Is a knife an unrealistic weapon? Fuck no! Let's be honest here, if you were gonna murder your entire family, you'd use a knife too, right? It's readily available, very close, and relatively easy to wield.

So in that respect, in my opinion, no, having your character weild a knife does not make them a Mary Sue. Perhaps a little stereotypical and unoriginal, but not mary-sue worthy.

I don't really know what the entire point of this was, it's not like this matter is pissing me off or whatever, but I dunno. It's been on my mind for a while, ok? (Seriously. Since like, December. I brood over things a lot.)

Here's a question: Do you guys think having your character use a knife makes them a Mary Sue? Leave a comment down below (if you want) explaining why or why not (again, only if you want to) you think so.

Anyways, hopefully next "chapter" will be a headcannon lol.

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