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It was the first day of my junior year at high school. There was nothing special about it. The only thing that would be considered "exciting" would be that I only had senior year left before it was time to go to college. I wasn't really excited though. I still had two years of intense studies and tests that I had to finish before I could graduate and then go. Even though people were already getting excited about collage, I knew that it was a waste of time to think and worry about it now. It was better to only think about the future when it was very close. College wasn't close. Therefor it was a waste of time to feel excited about it already.

The morning started as usual. I got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed in some blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a little leatherjacket. I took my bag and went down the stairs where Angelica was making breakfast for Jacob, my little brother. Angelica was the baby sitter my parents usually hired to watch Jacob while I was in school. She would usually work between seven in the morning and leave when I got home, which could be everything from three to five. I usually made it home around three, but on Fridays I would always prefer to stay out a bit longer, which was not a problem for her.

I grabbed the cup of coffee that she had prepared for me and walked over to my little brother who was sitting in his chair by the table. I gave him a small good bye kiss on the forehead before I headed towards the door.

"Are you not going to eat anything?", Angelica yelled after me from the kitchen.

"Nope. Not hungry", I answered as I closed the door behind me

You would actually expect her to come running after me with a sandwich, but she didn't. She tried doing that last year when she started working for our family, which didn't work. After a while she probably noticed that all the sandwiches were thrown in the garbage can and finally gave up on trying to force feed me. I didn't have a problem with food. On the contrary I loved to eat. But I just couldn't eat anything in the mornings. If I did, I would usually feel sick and tired the whole day, which would result in me not having accomplished anything during the day. I could not afford that.

I arrived at school with the school bus around 7.50. I had seen some new faces on the bus. Probably freshmen students. They all looked so nervous about starting high school. I didn't blame them. When I started, I had been nervous too. Usually people thought that they would have allot of changes. At least that's what every freshmen year student thought, until a couple of weeks after school started and they realized that their life would not change at all. Don't take me wrong, some people changed completely when they started high school. The change from being a nerdy student to one of the most popular kids at school could happen, but not that often. Some of us decided to stay normal. Or well you can define normal. Normal in our school would be the people that were not nerdy, but not cool either. They just existed. There's just nothing special about them. I belonged to these "normal"-people. I just didn't consider myself being more special or important than anyone else.

I stepped out of the bus and looked around the school. There were already allot of people there, socializing in their groups. The parking lot was full with seniors hanging around their cars, laughing or fooling around. I looked around for my friends and found them standing under the tree where we would usually meet. I walked up to them and looked at my two best friends. Daniella was the shortest one of our trio. She had blonde hair that reached her to her shoulders and her deep, green eyes would usually give you a feeling of warmth and kindness. Daniella was one of the kindest people that I had ever met. She would always be there for you if you needed her, no matter what time of the day it was. It could be seven in the evening or three o'clock in the morning, she would always find a way to help you. Unfortunately before me and Christina became friends with her during sophomore year, people tended to use her kindness against her. She was new in town and didn't know where to go or who to talk to, and simply ended up with the wrong people. Fortunately for her, me and Christina saw the lost puppy that she was and decided to help her, before the other people would have made a complete fool out of her.

Compared to Daniella, me and Christina had been friends since elementary school. We basically grew up together, with another boy named Philip. It was always us three playing at each other's houses when we were kids, and that didn't change a bit, until we started high school. That's when Christina and Philip started dating. I'm not going to lie, I always knew that they were going to fall for each other. They always seemed to be so much closer than me and Philip were. Maybe they were just simply meant to be. So when we started high school they started dating, and Philip started hanging out more with the guys on the football team. It was just completely natural that he wanted to hang out with guys, after years and years of only being around me and Christina. But you could sort of say that they were the perfect couple. Christina was the tall, trained girl with crystal blue eyes and light brown hair usually tied up in a ponytail, playing in the girl's high school soccer team. She was a very good player and had an attitude of one as well. Being part of one of the best high school soccer teams for girls required her to have an attitude. She would usually play fair and her attitude made sure that no one could make her unfocused of the game, which I admired her for. Philip was just the same, but the guy version of course. He was a tall and strong looking guy with light blond hair and blue eyes, and he was a rough player too. See what I mean by them being the perfect couple? Anyway me and Philip started drifting apart, not because I wanted to stay away from my best friends boyfriend, but because I had never really felt close to him anyway and it was just a natural thing that happened.

I guess I was kind of a mixture between Daniella and Christina. I was never afraid to speak what was on my mind and was not afraid of fights with people that were bothering me and my friends, but I was not a tough soccer player in one of the best teams around the area and I was not as rude in some situations as Christina could be sometimes.

"Did you guys hear about that new guy that's going to start senior year? I've heard he's supposed to be really good looking!"

"Yeah and who did you hear that from?", Christina snorted towards Daniella. "He has probably not been at the school yet, and people are already spreading rumors about him being hot", she said and rolled her eyes at the people at our school. "The single girls here really don't have anything better to do than imagine a hot new guy entering the school every year..."

"Okay now you don't have to be that rude!", Daniella exclaimed. "All of us can't have a boyfriends since freshman year you know. And besides, there's nothing wrong with hoping that he'll be good looking."

"That's true", I agreed. "We need some new boys at this school. Remember that next year there will be no older guys left at school for me and Daniella to look at"

"Well you barely look at any guys in school anyway". I smiled at Christina's comment. It was true. We had not interesting guys at our school.

"That's what I mean. What if interesting guys would exist in our school? It would be so much more interesting to go to school then", I said and looked around.

"Well if you want interesting, you could go flirt with the trouble makers of our school", Christina grinned and looked over to the basketball field where they were sitting.

"Are they actually called that now?", Daniella asked in her sweet, innocent voice.

"No, it's only Christina that calls them the troublemakers", I answered in a dramatic tone and looked over at them. The trouble makers were three senior guys that had always felt a bit "dangerous", if you wanted to call them that. Some people would even call it exciting. I called it boring. They were just the guys that tried to act cool in school, but the only thing they did outside of school would be to sit in a garage and play poker with fake coins and smoke cigarettes. That's at least the picture that I had of them.

"I don't see anything wrong with them", Daniella said. "One of the guys looks a bit hands..."

Before she got to finish her sentence, the bell to our first class of the year rang.

"See", Christina sighed as she grinned at the same time. "Nothing good ever happens while talking about them".

We all giggled at her comment and started walking towards the main entrance. I took one last glance at the guys and realized they looked different today. It seemed as if they were waiting for something.

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