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When Eduardo had parked on the parking lot to the hospital, we both hurried to the front doors. Or I was the one running, he was just jogging to keep up with me. Eduardo had already told me, in the car, where to go when we arrived. It was floor 5, room 215. It was a private room, which was expected. His dad was a doctor. When we arrived in the hallway were Michael's room was, me and Eduardo weren't alone. The other two guys, Sebastian and Emanuel, were also there sitting on the chairs next to the door. Before I could even manage to say hi, the door to Michal's room flew open and out came a tall guy with blond spiky hair. He looked at least seven years older than the other guys.

When the guy notices that me and Eduardo are there, he won't stop looking our direction. Even though we were inside a hospital, he was wearing sunglasses. I just knew he was looking at me.

"Who's this?", he asks Eduardo. Before I opened my mouth to spit back that I was standing right in front of him, Sebastian answers.

"It's the girl we told you about"

Great, so I'm currently the topic of the week? When was this going to end?

The blond guy just stares at me, before he talks. This time he actually talks to me.

"So you're the reason for what happened last night", he sighs. "Things never change..."

"Made what happened?", I asked anxiously, when I realized that he was talking about why Michael was in the hospital.

"Well your boyfriend got into a fight last night, with a member from another gang, because of you. Apparently there had been some recent incident with you three involved"

I was speechless. Michael had been at my place today. He even left a note.

I slowly starting putting one and one together before the blond guy started talking again, nto only to me but to the others as well.

"Well, we'll be leaving now. Eduardo stay here to make sure nothing happens to him. I don't want any more injuries here. I will go have a chat with Andreas"

I still didn't manage to say anything. And I didn't give a crap about who Andreas was and what they were going to do. I wanted to know if Michael was okay. But I also wanted an explanation for all of this. I was not going to walk away with unanswered questions this time.

When the other three had left, Eduardo nodded towards the door as he sat down on the chair.

"You can go inside now", he started. "I'm sure he wants to see you"

As I walk through the door, Eduardo slowly closes it behind me. I can see a small smile growing on his face, when he finally manages to close to the door. I don't know what is up with him. He seems to be smiling at the rarest occasions.

When I turn around I see him, lying there, in the hospital bed. Even though we were both in this weird situation, the warm feelings slowly started coming back to me, just like they had done before. However, there was something else there to. Another feeling. He looked different than he had done the day before, when I came and comforted me, wanted to be close to me. His hair is much messier, he has big bags under his eyes and his eyes seem so much darken in this bad lighting. Because of the nightgown he was wearing, the tattoos he had were showing much clearer, but not only that. You could see bandages around his arms, hiding the wounds. Some of the bandages were starting to get some dark red spots to them. I didn't even want to know what type of wounds there were under them, but a picture of a knife stuck in his arm definitely come up in my head.

"I told them not to get you, but Eduardo insisted", his warm, raspy voice said. The sting I felt in my chest of him not actually wanting me here, hurt more than I thought it would. I looked up at his face, which was looking away from my gaze, through the window.

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