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Michael and I spent the evening with each other by taking care of Jacob, getting takeaway food and watch some comedies movies together. I eventually had to put Jacob to bed, and when I came back downstairs Michael was in the kitchen preparing some popcorn, before we would continue the movie. I eventually fell asleep after watching the movie for one hour. It was one of the best night's sleep I had gotten in a really long time.


I slowly woke up the next day, by hearing Jacob screaming from his room. When I opened my eyes, I was not ready for the scenery. I was in my room. At first I got nervous, but then I figured that Michal would've carried me there. Michael!

I stared around the room, but I was completely alone. Had it been a dream? No, I was pretty sure he had been there. However, in some way I had been disappointed that Michael hadn't stayed the whole night.

I went to grab Jacob, and when I walk down the stairs, towards the kitchen, I see a glass of orange juice, a plate with two sandwiches on it and a bowl with some Yoghurt. Next to all of that I saw a note. I picked it up and read it. It was from Michael.

"Sorry, but I had to leave. I really enjoyed spending the night with you. We should do it more often. I hope you enjoy the breakfast. I just took some things that I found in the refrigerator. Hope you don't mind. And make sure you eat all of it! – Michael, 5.30

A cozy warm feeling starting growing inside of me, just as it had done the day before. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but I enjoyed it. It made me feel safe in some way. During that day, I didn't even think that much about the incident at the party and in the school. The only thing I could think of was Michael, and how sweet he was. I really enjoyed that side of him. The warm and comfortable side. Not the cold one.

The whole day went by very fast. I ate the breakfast Michael had prepared for me, while I at the same time made sure Jacob got something to eat as well. After that we went to the park, took a trip to town so that we could eat lunch and I even went to the library to borrow some new books. The creepy guy was nowhere in sight. Neither was Michael.

When we came back home from our daily drip, our parents were back home. The day had gone much quicker than I expected it would. I guess reading a book in the park while Jacob was taking a nap for two hours made the afternoon fly by. Dad was already preparing dinner, and while eating them both describe what they did on the trip they had to do with work. Dad had had some form of conference about the newest surgery method that would be used very soon, and mom had been on a smaller finance course. Michaels parents had also been there, which could explain why Michael hadn't bothered staying the night at my place. It also occurred to me, as my parents were telling me about their dinner the day before, that maybe that was why Michael had come. Because he knew my parents weren't home, and I was going to be alone. Much easier to talk about the topic.


After dinner I walked upstairs and continued reading the book I had started to read in the park. It started getting dark outside, and out of nowhere, I heard a knock on my door. I looked up from the book, feeling a bit annoyed, to see my dad standing in the doorway, watching me. The idea struck me immediately. Had they discovered that Michael spent part of the night here? Because that would've meant big trouble for me, since I wasn't allowed to have guys in my room at night. Or had Michael even been in my room? Had he slept next to me? The thought gave me butterflies. At least I knew we hadn't done anything intense.

"Yes?", I asked.

"You have a visitor downstairs", my dad said before he walked away from the door.

Hoping that it was Michael, I got out of bed, walked down the stairs, but to my surprise it wasn't Michael standing in the doorway. It was Eduardo.

"Hey Eduardo", I said with an uneasy tone. This was the first time I actually met him outside of school. "What are you doing here?", I said trying not to sound to annoyed. I had really hoped it would be Michael. The chemistry between us had given a real spark yesterday, and maybe we could find that again an...

I pushed my thought away as Eduardo started mumbling.

"As I thought", he said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"What?", I said, a bit irritated now.

"Was Michael here yesterday?", he asked me. I glared at him before I took a step out on the porch and closed the door behind me.

"Yes...", I said uneasy. "He was."

Eduardo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything. His face stayed serious.

"Well then I know why...", Eduardo said and scratched the back of his head.

"Know why what?", I said and glared at him. Was he never going to tell me what he wanted?

"He's in the hospital", Eduardo continued.

What? "What happened?!", I asked, felling the panic in my own voice.

"He got into a fight... with David. A bad one.", he looked at me curiously.

"David?", I asked confused before it hit me. The guy. The perv. He actually had a name! But before I could tell Eduardo not to answer my question, it was already to late.

"The guy at the part". My heart stopped for a minute. He knew?

"You... you know?", my voice was trembling. Had Michel told them?

"We all know... We've known since it happened Olivia", concerned was shown in his eyes. "We also knew, we could see from the beginning, that he would get attached to you. Have feelings for you" What???? "We tried to make him stay away from you, but it didn't work. We knew something like this would happen. But he didn't listen at first. Until the damage was already done. But then it was too late. It had already happened. David had gotten to you. And he got to Michael as well"

"What do you mean he got to Michael as well?!", I asked Eduardo feeling the panick grow inside of me.

"He got into a fight with him... and it turned ugly...", Eduardo almost whispers as he walked down the steps to our porch.

"What do you mean turn ugly? I mean, how could they even get into a fight in the first place?", I looked after Eduardo. As he turned around, I didn't only see concern in his eyes, but determination.

"I think it's better if you ask him that", he said and opened the passenger door, gesturing me to get it. "So lets go"

I quickly went inside and grabbed my leather jacket, took my phone and my home keys with me. From the bottom of the stairs, I quickly tell my parents that I have to go, but before they could come downstairs and ask me questions, I'd put some shoes on and walked out through the door, closing it behind me.

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