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Avoiding Michael the last days before he was going to leave the hospital, was probably one of the hardest things that I had ever done. I felt terrible for it, but I needed time to think about what Anna had told me. I couldn't just rush into a decision without thinking about the things she had told me. Also the fact that Michael had never mentioned his age shocked me. I had never asked him about it, but when his mother told me I wasn't necessarily in shock. I think my unconsciousness was aware of the fact that Michael didn't only look older, but acted older than the other boys in school. Probably one of the main reasons that made me feel attracted to him.

Avoiding Michael also meant that I had to avoid Eduardo and the others in school. If I saw them in the corridor I would usually avoid them, and during lunch time I would sit with Daniella and Christina. I knew that they wouldn't approach me then. I knew that Eduardo would try to talk to me eventually, but for now I just avoided him. And I was pretty good at it.


One day, something happened that I never thought would happen. I had just been at lunch with the other two girls. Both of them had to go to class, but I had another half an hour break before I had to go to my class. I was standing by my locker. The hall was empty. So when my locker smashed closed, I almost screamed.

"What the hell do you think you are...", I started as I turned to the figure that had smashed it closed. My heart jumped an extra beat when I saw who it was. "Michael..."

"Yeah", he said in an irritating voice. "Surprised to see me?"

I didn't answer.

"They let me go home yesterday. When I came home, I was kind of expecting you to be there...", his eyes looked at me and I saw that he wasn't only angry, but hurt as well. "Since you stopped visiting, I figured you might be there. But no."

I still didn't know what to say. I was still shocked that he was here.

"Olivia, I was dead worried", he said and putt my hands in his. Compared to mine, his hands were worm and comfortable. "I thought something might've happened to you when you stopped coming..."

"No, I'm fine", was the only thing I could mumble out of my mouth.

"...and when Eduardo said that you were avoiding them, I didn't believe him."

I didn't say anything, and when he noticed he stopped talking and just looked at me for a while.

"Wait... you have been avoiding them?", he asked in a surprised tone. "Why?

He was talking to fast. I couldn't concentrate on what to say. And that we were alone in the corridor didn't make it any easier. I didn't know what to say. I was just to confused about what to do.

"I just... I have a lot of thinking to do Michael", I started hesitatingly.

"About what?", he demanded to know as he let go of my hands.

"Well... school... and my future. My parents... they think my grades are getting worse since I'm spending too much time with you and the other guys... They want me to focus more on my studies now, to make sure that I have a good future and...", and before I could even control what I was about to say, it just slipped. "I don't have time for the drama that's been going on lately..."

"Bullshit Olivia!", he exclaimed and punched his fist into the locker. I jumped. "You have at least a B in every subject, even now that you are meeting me. And I know a lot has been going on lately but it's nothing I can control. But I know it will get better, okay?"

"You know it won't..."

"You can't be serious", he said and stared at me. I didn't say anything. I couldn't even look at him. Because if I did, he would know that I was lying. "Oh my God...", was the last thing he said before he turned around and walked away. Out of the school doors.

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