Drake Black - Three

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Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Drake's skin prickled with awareness. He knew instantly that he was no longer alone in his tiny cage, but the question was, who was in there with him? Opening his eyes slowly, he had to blink a few times for his vision to clear. Nausea yet again churned his stomach, but he managed to keep it down. Slowly, he sat up, the huddled form of a shadow instantly getting his attention. Thankfully, he saw into the dark as if the sun were out, he could tell by the bare shapely legs, the slender dip of the waist and the long blonde hair, that his cellmate was a female.

Taking a deep breath, he clamped his mouth shut as the intoxicating scent of the female whiffed up his flared nostrils. Damn the female was a mortal. Even then, he could feel the twinge of movement in his mouth. Vale had put the female in there with him no doubt so he would feed, but what Vale didn't know is that Drake wasn't a psychopath like him. He would no prey upon an innocent and unconscious girl. Slowly, Drake found his ability to move properly and he moved to examine the female who laid so still in front of him.

Checking her over slowly, he found a lump on her head and cursed. Vale took it too far, involving innocent mortals into this cluster fuck. Drake moved to sit on his butt, his mind in an uproar. He shouldn't worry about the mortal, she would only slow him down. Even as the thought went through his head, his eyes found the female again. His fingers twitched with the remembrance of how silky and soft her hair had felt between his fingers. He hadn't gotten a look at her face, but somehow he knew, no matter what happened he would get the female out of here. He just had to figure out how.



Karla Avery was always known to be on the wild side, her attitude alone had people thinking she was a nut case, but it never bothered Karla what other's thought of her. She had Dan who accepted her for herself and Audrey who was more a sister to her than a best friend. What else did she possibly need?

Of course, things change. They always do. Karla knew that better than anyone. As she drove past the city limits, her hands tightened on the steering wheel. Anger, hurt, betrayal welled up inside her so hard that she nearly choked on it.

How had she been so blind? Blinking and willing the tears away, Karla grabbed her cell phone and dialed Audrey's number again for the millionth time, but again no answer.

The memories of loneliness almost overtook her once again, but she pushed the feeling away. She didn't need Dan, didn't need to hear his pathetic excuses. She laughed into the silence of her car, thinking of how pathetic he looked when she came home early from work to find the man she loved in bed with her neighbor.

She was shocked at first, but after taking in the scene, the woman riding her man with vigor she turned the shock into anger. Now, any other time Karla would have pounced on the woman, showing her exactly where the door was and then turned her attention to Dan giving him a piece of it, but she hadn't done that.

Instead, Karla doused the hurt and betrayal and turned it into humor. She'd laughed, watching as they both fumbled with covering themselves. Dan had tried hard to explain and for a moment Karla had simply stood there and waited, but the man had basically swallowed his tongue and was a stuttering mess. So, Karla did the only thing she could do. She packed some clothes, her essentials and left.

Karla put her blinker on and pulled off to the side of the road, once she'd fully stopped she put the car in park. Her head lowered to the steering wheel and she took deep shuttering breaths. Dan was an idiot, but she was an even bigger one. For believing him, for pushing the concern aside when they slowly stopped being intimate.

Dan assured her that the loss in communication, contact and just the emotions were due to their long hours of work. She'd believed him, promised herself that she would try to spend more time with him. What a joke!

Karla leaned back in her seat, rubbing a wary hand over her face. What was wrong with her? Every relationship always ended the same way. They'd either cheat or they would just suddenly become distant and out of nowhere break up with her.

Hardening herself, she pushed the useless feelings aside. She wouldn't feel sorry for herself anymore. She wouldn't cry over this. She was stronger than that and she had more important issues to deal with, like why her best friend had suddenly disappeared without a single phone call.

She'd decided before she caught Dan, that she would head out to the cabin where Audrey had made her home and check on the girl herself. She'd even considered calling in the police, but she knew that was a little dramatic.

Resolve and determination in place, Karla put her foot on the break, put the car back in drive and pulled back out onto the highway. It took her about another thirty, thirty-five minutes until she pulled into the long driveway that lead to the cabin, she was thankful her car was in good condition and that she'd put new tires on before making the trip.

Karla spotted Audrey's truck in the drive and smiled, feeling relieved. Parking, she got out of the car and all but sprinted to the door.

She knocked several times, but when it didn't open she frowned and began peeking into windows. The cabin was quiet, no movement what so ever and then she remembered the neighbor. Turning, she made little jumps on the uneven ground, making her way next door.

The cabin's looked the same, but since there were only the two so close together, she knew that this was the one. She raised her hand and began pounding on the door, her anxiety spiking when there wasn't an answer. Where the hell was everyone?

"Hello!" Karla yelled, knocking yet again. "Anyone home? Audrey? Roan?" Karla bit her lip, nervously. Turning on the porch and looking around the grounds. She wondered if Audrey and her neighbor had gone to town? Suddenly, Karla heard the turn and click of the doorknob. Her heart instantly fluttering with relief, but before she could fully turn around something struck her in the back of the head.

For a moment, her eyes simply widened with shock, confusion setting in and then darkness.



Anyone shocked over who the female is? Hehe.

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