Drake Black - Four

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Chapter Four

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Chapter Four

Karla groaned, her head was killing her and her mouth was so dry. Sitting up slowly, she squeezed her eyes shut and reached up to rub her head where the pain seemed to center, noticing the lump. "What the hell happened?" She muttered. Opening her eyes slowly, she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. Her eyes immediately noticing the bars around her. "What the hell?" She shimmied on her knee's ignoring the hard, cold concrete digging into her knees as she went to the bars and grabbed them. She pulled and pushed, but knew it was totally useless.

Who the hell would kidnap her? Is that what happened to Audrey? Did she get grabbed too? Was that why she hadn't called? Damn it, she knew she should have called the cops! Karla planted her face against the bars, but noticed nothing that would help her figure out where she was or even why she had been taken. She was oblivious to the eyes that trailed her every move as she stood up, her body slowly turning as she examined the cage she was trapped in. Her eyes skidded over the much darker shadow that was in the back, then her eyes snapped back.

Karla squeaked when she realized she wasn't alone in this cage and that someone else was in there with her. "W-whose there?" She breathed, fear gripping her, making it nearly impossible to speak.

Drake had watched with mild fascination as the woman roused from her unconscious's and tried the bars. He was slightly impressed that she wasn't screaming in terror now, but since it was early yet he would hold judgement until a later time. His eyes scanned over her seemingly perfect bottom, his eyes unmoving until he realized what he was doing then he jerked his gaze back up as she began to turn. He stiffened when her gaze skipped over him, but then back, her eyes were a warm brown. The scent of spice hung in the air, but even if he hadn't scented it, he could clearly see the fear in her eyes and hear it in her voice as she spoke.

Drake remained where he sat, not wanting to spook her and send her into a frenzy. "My name is Drake, who are you?"

Karla swallowed thickly, the voice that answered was deep, rough, sexy and totally not what she should be thinking about right now. "Karla... Why am I here?" She wanted to shout the question, but she wouldn't. She had to remain calm or else she'd never get out of here.

Drake considered her question for a moment, wondering if he should tell her his assumptions, but then thought better of it. He'd only frighten her. Who wanted to hear they'd been grabbed for the sole purpose of feeding a vampire? So rather than answer, he said, "I don't know."

Karla moved to the corner of the cage, sliding down the cool bars and pulled her knee's to her chest. "Why are you here? Where are we?"

Drake again had no real way to answer that, unless of course he told her the truth. "You wouldn't believe me and it would only make you more afraid than you already are. As far as where we are, I don't have a clue."

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