Drake Black - Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Karla groaned as she tried to roll out of bed, her body felt sluggish, heavy and honestly, she was sure she was going to be sick any moment. She didn't know how long Drake had been gone or when or even if he would really come back.

She saw the very out of date phone on the nightstand and bit her lip in thought. Should she try Audrey again? Could she really accept that her best friend who was more a sister to her was a vampire?

Making her choice she grabbed the phone off the hook and began dialing. She put the phone to her ear, closed her eyes and prayed that she answered. After several heart thundering rings, Karla heard the phone connect. "Audrey?!" She asked, nearly squeaked with hope and desperation.

"Karla!  Karla, are you alright? I've been trying to call you, but nothing..." Audrey's voice was like a warm blanket of comfort to Karla and she had to take a moment to control her emotions.

"Oh god, Audrey..." She whispered in agony. "You, I..." Again feeling too weak she sniffed and cleared her throat. She wouldn't be weak. "Audrey, I love you. But, I need to speak to Roan."

Karla, as much as she wanted to pour her heart out knew she had to tell Roan what was going on. What had happened. If Drake was speaking the truth then the quicker Roan knew, the better off they'd all be.


Karla could hear the frown in Audrey's voice, "yes. Hurry." Karla then heard a deep voice in the background and the noises that suggested the phone was being handed off.

"Karla?" Came the familiar deep voice of Roan.

Karla breathed a sigh of relief, "Roan. I don't know how long we'll be safe here so don't interrupt and let me explain. I went to your cabin, to find Audrey. I was grabbed." Karla heard the sharp gasp and knew then she had been put on speaker. Ignoring that she continued, "I was locked in a cage, but I wasn't alone. A man was with me, a man named Drake."

"Drake?!" The sharp interruption had her momentarily silent. So, by his reaction, she knew that Drake must actually be Roan's brother.

"Yes. He said he was a vampire. I was obviously in disbelief, but after the man who'd taken me turned into a wolf I made Drake show me his fangs.." Karla felt a small bit of betrayal well up inside her.

"The man told me Audrey was a vampire. Drake confirmed it. I was questioned, but I didn't say anything, not that I knew much anyways." She tried not to sound hurt, but she was. "He was looking for information as to where you were.."

"We escaped, we're staying at a motel, but I don't know exactly where.." Karla felt a bit stupid. She should have figured that out first.

Karla could hear Audrey's worried voice, "are you hurt Karla?"

Karla closed her eyes, "it isn't a concern right now.." Audrey began to speak, but Roan cut her off.

"Who took you and Drake? Did you get his name?" Roan's voice though calm made Karla shiver. He sounded murderous, but she was happy they'd gotten back on track.

"V-Vale. His name was Vale. There was another man, his name was uh, Matt?" Karla jumped when the front door suddenly opened, her eyes widening when she saw all the bags Drake carried.

"Here are several things to choose from. Who are you talking to?" Drake asked, not really trusting the phone.

Before Karla could speak, Roan spoke, "is that Drake? Hand the phone to him." It wasn't a suggestion or a question. It was an order, plain and simple. Without a word, Karla held the phone out.

Drake took the phone with confusion and put it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Drake, where the hell are you? Are you and Karla safe?" Roan demanded.

Drake felt relief hearing his brothers voice. "We're in Oklahoma. A small town. At the moment we're safe enough, but I don't know how long." 

Karla nearly choked when she heard where they were. How could they have gotten this far?! She listened to the one-sided conversation, amazed at how much better Drake looked. His skin wasn't pale but now had a beautiful tan. His whole demeanor changed. Grabbing the bags, she rummaged through and grabbed a bag of chips and an orange juice.

"We'll stay until we can't, but we're near a Walmart. They took my things, so you can wire me some money and we'll get on a plane to you." Drake paused, listening to Roan. "Alright. Yes."

"Audrey, you know I will do anything to keep her safe..." Drake's eyes connected with Karla's. His promise to Audrey was spread to a promise to Karla. He needed her to trust him fully.

"We'll see you soon.." He said, pulling the phone away from his ear and hanging it back up. "My brother is wiring us money. Then we'll get on a plane and meet up with Roan and Audrey."

Karla ducked her head, busing herself with her chips and juice. She would have a chance to talk to Audrey, but she wasn't naive enough to believe everything would be the same. Her soul sister was now a vampire. She would live for who knows how long while she, grew older and died. That was if she were lucky...

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