Drake Black - Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Karla was holding Drake back, she knew that. The more Karla's legs moved, the less she felt them. They'd become numb. Her chest felt tight, her lungs begging for oxygen. Yet it seemed to her that Drake was unaffected by their escape.

With no warning, her knees gave out, making her tumble into the back of Drake's legs. A startled gasp leaving her before they both hit the ground. The air that Karla didn't know she had left her in a harsh whoosh, making her gasp and panic for air.

Drake cursed as he hit the ground, but was instantly standing again and turning towards Karla. He knew she wouldn't be able to stand again and he knew the wolves were closing in. Even if he picked her up, they wouldn't escape.

Quickly picking up Karla, Drake placed her against a tree. "Rest, catch your breath."

"They're going to get us." No matter how much Karla hated showing weakness, she couldn't keep the slight shake out of her voice. She was beyond afraid, she was terrified.

Drake felt his heart constrict. He hated the fear he heard, hated that he could smell it coming off her in waves. He wished she was never placed in the middle of this mess, but now that she was he'd do anything to keep her safe.

"Don't worry, they won't take us again." He was determined and now, he had a lot more to fight for.

Standing, Drake turned his back to Karla walking a few feet in front of her to keep himself close but distanced from her for when the attack came. His skin tightened with anticipation as the sounds of paws digging into the ground grew closer.

When the paws suddenly stopped, Drake peered into the darkness. Though he was sure Karla wouldn't see them, he could. At least four of them, ready and waiting. Waiting for either him to make a move or for them to get the go-ahead he wasn't sure.

"You won't win. Stop running, stop resisting. Alpha Vale has a use for you. The female, well, she wasn't of any use to him." One of the wolves explained.

Drake bared his teeth, "not happening. You'll die long before harming her." Drake knew it was all talk. Two he could handle, three maybe, four.... As much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't prevent all of them from getting to his mate.

Karla frowned, listening to Drake talk. To her, it sounded as if he was talking to himself, but when a sudden growl split the silence made her shiver. Perhaps, he wasn't talking to himself.

Karla looked around for any sort of weapon, but in the pitch black, she could hardly see her hands in front of her face.

Drake tensed as the first two wolves attacked, his attention zeroing in on them. The first must have been new to battle. He moved frantically, no show of skill or training. The second, however, wasn't so unskilled.

They growled, snapping their large canines at him. He was able to easily avoid them, but he was suddenly slammed in the gut. The air leaving him and open to attack. The sudden flames that burst through his shoulder had him gritting his teeth and glaring at the third wolf.

Throwing his arms up, he broke away from them for a moment. His fist colliding with the closes one. Satisfaction flowed through him when he heard the unmistakable snap of bone.

The satisfaction was short-lived when he heard Karla scream. His eyes darting to where he'd left her to see the fourth wolf, the one who'd spoken stalking towards her.

Drake was suddenly tackled to the ground due to his concentration being elsewhere. His hands coming up to fend off the teeth snapping mere inches from his face. He raised his knee, slamming it into the wolf's gut, then snapping his neck.

Tossing the body aside, he readied himself for the next two.

Karla couldn't see the wolf, but she felt him, heard him. She swore he was feet from her. She tried her best to keep her breathing under control, but the fact that the wolf seemed to snicker at her fear made it so much harder.

Karla backed into the tree as far as she could, sure that any moment she'd be wolf food, but sudden sounds from behind her made her ears straining. What was that sound? It was so loud and whatever it was seemed to be moving fast.

Karla's worst fear was that it was back up for the wolves.



So sorry it's taken so long for an update. Promise to try harder to keep them coming.

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