Chapter 6: The Change

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Blake'a Point of View
I opened my car door, seeing Adrianna leaning up against the wall. She was wearing the smallest dress, that barely covered anything, with the tallest heels. She still was shorter than me. Her hair was down in curls. She had a small pout on her face, hoping it would make her attractive.

"Hey Blake." She purred. She tried to trail her hand down my arm, but I moved.

"Come on." I said ignoring her advances. I opened the door, hearing a little bell chime. I walked over to a random booth, Adrianna following closely behind. I sat down with Adrianna across from me. I took the menu that was located in front of us. I wondered what's good here.

"Hello. I'm Krissy." Our waitress said. I looked up and saw the girl. She had semi-short brown hair and brown eyes that were covered by thick glasses.

Hmm. I don't remember her having glasses. Her body was also covered by baggy clothes as if she we disguising herself. Could this be my mystery girl?

"Do I know you?" Adrianna asked in disgust. I continued to stare at the girl as Adrianna said that. She looks so familiar, yet it can't be my girl. She would not look like this. She would expose skin, showing off her incredible body. She also wasn't wearing any glasses at the party.

"I don't think so." Krissy said. She looked frightened as I continued to watch her. Kate wouldn't be shy or scared in front of me. She would jump at the chance to see me, at least I think she would.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I cocked an eyebrow, hoping to break her. She shook her head. I internally sighed. It's not her.

"No. I live in the next town over. What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked. I guess she wasn't Kate.

"Coke." I said keeping an eye on her. Maybe without her glasses and different outfit she could be my Kate. But she said her name was Krissy. Maybe I just want to find her so bad that this nerd looks like her. It has to be that. I wouldn't be caught dating a nerd. Or anyone for that matter.

"Iced tea." Adrianna said from in front of me. She gave Krissy a tight lipped smile. Krissy looked uncomfortable.

"I'll be back with your drinks." Krissy said excusing herself. I watched her walk to the counter before turning to look at Adrianna.

"What the fuck A?" I asked. She didn't have to be rude to a girl she never even met. Adrianna looked up and glared.

"Don't stare at another girl when we're together." She crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes. She knows we aren't together. She can't get jealous.

"Whatever." I said getting up. I walked over to the counter where Krissy was filling up our glasses.

"Hey, are you sure I don't know you?" I asked. She jumped, letting out a shriek. Guess I scared her.

"No, I don't think so." She said nervously. Why is she nervous? Is she hiding something?

"Weren't you at my party?" I asked her. Maybe if she says yes I can prove that she's my girl. But she can't be her. She looks like some nerd. She's probably shy and not my girl. My girl would jump at the chance of being with me. She would not deny knowing me. She'd be all over me.


I need to stop thinking about her. There's nothing even special about her, yet she's all I can think of. I need to get laid. This girl needs to disappear from my mind. All she's doing is causing trouble. I have never wanted a girl so damn much in my life. I don't even know why i'm obsessed with finding her. She clearly doesn't want to be found.

"No. I've never seen you before?" Krissy said. She turned back around for a brief second.

"Are you sure? You look familiar." I said. Her hair was the same length as Kate's yet it was different than hers. Kate's looked softer.

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