Chapter 14: The Saving

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Blake's Point of View
I stared at the script. I had less than a week to memorize it and I didn't even know the first line. Krissy and I had to ace this. It was our final project before winter break. I was more than excited to leave school, even if it's only two weeks. I just wanted to relax. I was majorly stressed and school only added to it. I was done with football. Our school didn't get very far in the playoffs. It was expected. But, at least we did make it. We played hard, yet it wasn't good enough.

I'm okay with the outcome. I liked playing, but not enough to pursue it. I'll miss playing but there is no way in hell i'll be going to college, not even on a football scholarship. I just don't see it happening. I don't want it bad enough.

I continued to stare at the script before groaning. I had no clue how I was supposed to do this. Krissy seemed to be fluent in Spanish now and all I knew how to do was ask for a server. I was going to flunk us.

"Hey Blake." Sophie asked walking into my room. I shut my notebook and turned towards her. I was glad for the distraction. Sophie and Asher had been dating for a month now. It was extremely weird to me. They're all lovey dovey and touchy. I hate being around them. It grossed me out, yet they'd continue to make out in the same room as me.

"Hey sis." I said to her. She sat down on the edge of my bed as I looked at her from my desk. She was dressed in workout gear. I bet she had gone to the gym with Asher. It's one of the things they do as a couple. It's disgusting.

"How's the script coming along?" She asked. I sighed. "Not good?"

"I have no clue how i'm supposed to memorize this all. I can barely do it in English. How am I supposed to do it in another language?" I told her. It was so much easier to learn it when Krissy is here to help. She has a way with words that it doesn't seem like work.

"You'll go great Blake. I have never seen you work so hard on something that was required for school." She said. I shrugged. I guess it was true. I usually let the other person do all the work. For some reason, I felt like contributing with Krissy.

"I have to if I want to graduate." I said annoyed. That was the only reason I was in the stupid class. I needed to pass a foreign language class if I wanted to graduate with my year.

"I know brother. But, I don't know. You seem different. Like when you say you're going to go meet up with Krissy, you sound enthusiastic and excited." She said. I stared at her. What is she even saying?

Is she assuming I like the nerd more than just her being my partner? No, it's not that. Krissy is just the nerd in my class that is helping me become an alumni to our school. There is no way in hell i'll ever see her as a more than a friend. She's barely even a friend. After Spanish is over, I won't even remember who she is.

"No. Krissy is just the nerd using her smart skills to help me pass." I told Soph. She watched me carefully before sighing. She seemed disappointed.

"Right, you can't ever date anyone that isn't a slut." She said. I rolled my eyes. She's so dramatic. I can date someone that isn't a slut. I just for sure won't date a nerd. She was probably also a prude and never had a boyfriend. Yeah, there's no way i'd ever be caught dating someone like Krissy.

"I can date whoever I want. Plus it's not like i'm not wanted." I said annoyed. She put up her hands in surrender before getting up.

"I'll leave you to your studying Blake." She said making her way to the door. She tightened her ponytail before turning to give me a soft smile. Her worry lines and dark circles were evident on her face.

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