Mind Link

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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... As I carry him into I go up stairs and into my room. I set him down gently and put his crutches on the wall closest to his side of the bed. I look at him and trace the scars on his face but when I look at his chest. As I do it feels as if the whole world stops as My body is filled with anger and rage.

All I had to do was look at above his thickly bandaged chest and that made me furious. He had carvings made in his chest. The one i looked at said "Worthless". Did he really believe that? That he is worthless? I look back up at Darius' face and find that he's still asleep. That's when I start to wonder when was the last time he ate food?

I decided that I want to make him something to eat when he wakes up. I take one last look at Darius' peaceful state, and go down to the kitchen. Hmm. Ooh I know. I'm going to make him chicken soup with vegetables. 20 minutes later. I finish pouring the soup in the bowl I get some napkins and a spoon and bring it upstairs.

I slowly open the door to see and empty bed. I let out a loud growl and drop the bowl on the floor next to the bathroom door not caring that it will ruin the wooden floor. I pace around letting out numerous growls. Then suddenly I hear the sound of the toilet flush. I feel so stupid. The door opens and I see a very scared Darius holding the door open with one hand and the other hand holding onto his crutches like its the end of world.

"I am so sorry if I scared you I didn't mean to I just opened the door and saw the bed was empty and I was really dumb and didn't even bother to knock on the bathroom door and-" my rambling is stopped when I hear the most heavenly noise ever. He laughed. I look at him and see he has a small smile on his face. "Come on you want some fresh air?" I ask. He simply nods but that is good enough for me.

As I take only a few steps forward I hear him gasp and a loud thud after that. I look back and see Darius on the floor grasping his chest in his left hand and his bad foot in the other. He whimpers loudly. I rush to his side. "Oh my goddess are you okay?" I ask as he groans. "Yeah I'm good, can you help me up?" He says softly "Yeah." I help him up as he leans on the wall so he doesn't step on his bad foot.

I hand him his crutches and open the door for him as we leave the bathroom. We walk down the hall and we head outside. "Aubin, um can you teach me how to use mind link?" He asks shyly gosh its so freaking cute. "Sure" I say cooly. He makes sure his crutches are still so they won't fall and make him fall with them. He never puts his left foot down.

It must hurt really bad how does it feel to have a cast on your foot? I'm torn out of my thoughts by Darius clearing his throat. "Oh right sorry, okay just imagine a small box with a wire okay?" I ask just to make sure that he understands. "Yeah" he assures me. "Okay, now imagine that wire is connected to another box. And now picture that person you want to communicate with in the second box. Try it."I say slowly.

"Hi Aubin is this you? Can you hear me?" I hear Darius' voice in my head I fill up with excitement "Yes, you did it! Okay now just let the box appear into a bubble now you can see old messages that people sent you when you couldn't mind link. Try it."  I tell him. I watch him try and I can tell he did it because his face has a small smile. But that smile fades as fast as it came.

He starts hyperventilating  I can tell he stopped the mind link. He looks around fast he's so caught up in looking for what ever he's looking for that he falls and lands on the grass. He has tears streaming down his face. Whats wrong with him. He looks around careful to not move his bad foot a lot. I start worrying more and more. "Whats wrong?" I ask him.

Just as he's about to say something  he immediately stops and his face goes pale. He sobs louder than ever before. My heart shatters listening to his cries for help. "No!" He yells while gripping onto my shirt. By this time I'm on the ground trying to figure out what's wrong with him. "No!" He yells even louder than the last time. "Stop! Stop! Stop! No!"  He yells with his eyes closed. My heart breaks and tears stream down our faces. Whats wrong with him?!

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