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Darius' POV.

Previously on "His Alpha Her Omega"... Harper nods and gives me one last hug. I watch as she walks out of the room and walks away holding hands with Liam. "I'm glad she was nice about it." I say and look at Aubin. She nods and gives me a genuine smile. "Lets go home." She says and grabs my hand. As we walk out of the hospital, I cant help but smile. For the first time in my entire life I can be happy and free with the one person that matters most. Aubin.


7 years later... (Darius has regained the movement in his legs and can walk now)...

My feet hit the ground with a hard thud as I run deeper into the forest. My heart is pounding and my lungs are burning. But I don't stop running in hopes that I will escape this evil beast. The growls grow louder and more deadly. Suddenly, I'm tackled towards the ground by a rabid wolf. The wolf shifts back and...

"How many times am I going to have to tell you to wash your dishes! I am not your maid!" Aubin yells as she repeatedly hits me with her shoe. "Get him mommy!" I hear my two sons yell. I look over Aubins shoulder and see Mark and Shane holding Evelyn's hands (My daughter) and jumping up and down excitedly.

Mark, Shane, and Evelyn are triplets so they are all 6 years old and were born on July 26. They all have light brown hair and green eyes. Mark and Shane are really protective of Evelyn and always stick by her side. "I thought you guys were on my side!" I yell as I stand up and wipe the dirt off of my clothes. Aubin stands up, puts her shoe back on and walks behind them.

"Mommy said that If we were on her side and helped her get daddy we would get ice cream!" Evelyn yells. Aubin smirks at me and makes the kids go back inside the house. I chuckle and give Aubin a quick kiss and walk inside next to Aubin. I love my family. There isn't anything that I would not do to keep them safe.



Thank you guys for reading my book! I'm so happy that you guys read my book and enjoy it!

This book is completed so please comment and tell me if I should make a sequel about Mark, Shane, and Evelyn:

Yes! Make another book!


No thanks, I'm good.

His Alpha Her Omega (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now