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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... "Aubin please! I cant let them hurt you!" I yell desperate. " They wont hurt me please stop!" She yells even more desperate. I whimper in defeat. Just as I'm about to walk back to them a large wolf comes rushing out from the forest and throws me into a tree with lots of force. I fall to the ground as the tree breaks and falls on top of me. I let out a loud whimper. Crack! My vision starts to go blurry. The last thing I see is Aubin ripping the wolf to shreds. Before the darkness takes over.

All I see is red. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as I rip him to shreds. Finally satisfied I look to my left and see Darius under a big broken tree. All if the doctors are trying to get Darius out. I run over to help them. After a few more attempts we finally got Darius out.

They rush Darius to the hospital and into surgery. I shift back into my human form. What was he thinking!?! I pace around the  waiting room for 4 hours. I stop when a doctor comes up to me "Alpha he's back into his room and we have good news and bad news." He says a bit nervous. "Bad news first." I say still upset with Darius.

"Yes alpha, when the tree fell on him it broke his back therefore he-he cant..... He cant walk anymore." My eyes open wide with the news " Yet again we have to be thankful he is alive. The good news is that he will be able to be taught as soon as he recovers, and until then we have him support back wheels so that he doesn't drag his back legs and hurt them more." He says.

"Thank you doctor can I see him?" I ask not going to accept no for an answer "Of course alpha" he says as I head to Darius' room. We've been here so long that I've memorized all the hallways. I open the door and see a sad scared wolf sitting on the bed. This time his bandage around his chest and back is thicker.

He lets out a small whimper and bows his head down. "What were you thinking Darius you could've gotten killed! Why did you go out there! Now because of that you have to use wheels as your back legs until you heal and learn how to walk again!" I basically yell. "Ugh why cant we just be normal mates like everyone else!" After I say that I quickly cover my mouth with my hands and  my eyes wide.

"I-I didn't mean that! I-I'm sorry I-I wasn't-I didn't mean it." I say trying to explain myself. He looks down and starts crying. "Then just do it just reject me! I do what I do for a reason! My whole life I've been abused living in a cage! Unlike you! You've always had things just how you want it!" He yells and cries at the same time.

"Then one day I finally made it out! I thought I was free but I'm not and I've been worried sick that because of me you'll get hurt! I've been trying to protect you from their wrath you don't know what they are, what they can do! I've stayed up all night protecting you making sure they don't come!"

"This happened to me trying to protect you and I'll do and go through much more if it means protecting you! Because I love you! And if you don't appreciate that then I'll gladly go back to that waterfall and end my life and end your misery!" He finishes yelling. He starts crying more. I stand there still shocked at what he just said.

"I'm sorry." is all I manage to say. I walk over to him and ask "Are you okay?" In a whisper.  And all he says is "I don't know." Before he cuddles into me and lays down. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but how does it feel to be paralyzed." I say curiously. He looks up at me I can see tears forming in his eyes. "Physically it just feels numb as if your back legs aren't there. And emotionally you feel pathetic, helpless, and weak. You feel like there's no hope left in the world." He finishes saying and by the time he's done hes sobbing and whimpering in my lap.

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