I just cant

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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega ... Just as he's about to say something he immediately stops and his face goes pale. He sobs louder than ever before. My heart shatters just listening to his sobs. "No!" He yells while gripping onto my shirt. By this time I'm on the ground trying to figure out what's wrong with him. "No!" He yells even louder than the last time. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Ugh! No!" He yells with his eyes closed. My heart breaks tears are streaming down our faces. Whats wrong with him?!  

He lets out a mixture of sobs, cries, and whimpers as he lays there in my arms. We are still on the grass outside with him in my arms shaking. "Why?" he whispers and sobs louder. At this point I don't think I can take any more. I'm sick and worried about him. He wont say anything and when ever I ask him what wrong he sobs louder. The only movement he does is shake and hyperventilate.

"Please tell me." I ask desperate to know why he's like this. "No! Please! Okay!" He yells and sobs, but something tells me that he wasn't yelling at me. He was yelling at something else. He doesn't open his eyes, move or do anything other than shake, hyperventilate, panic and cry. "Do you want to go home?" I ask softly. He says nothing except let out a sob.

I take that as a yes and pick him up carefully in my left arm and in the other I carry his crutches. As I walk through the doors and into my house I take a look at him and see that he's fast asleep. I let out a soft sigh. Its nice to see his face so calm and at peace when he sleeps. I open the door to my room with my foot and carefully walk over the spilled soup. I walk to my bed and gently set him down as if he was made of glass.

I set his crutches aside in the wall and sit down in my side of the bed. I lay down and cuddle with him. I close my eyes and fall asleep. 


I open my eyes and see Darius sitting upright and crying softly his head on his good leg and his bad leg laying out straight. He looks at me. His eyes are puffy and red from crying. "I'm sorry." He whispers as he leans in and hugs me.

I immediately hug him back careful to not hurt his chest. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." he says repeatedly. Then I gather up every bit of courage I have and ask "Why are you sorry?" I wait for him to break down more but he never does. "I'm sorry I put you through all of this you don't deserve a mate like me. You deserve someone stronger and not broken like me." He says softly and slowly.

I gently grab his chin and lift it up to the point that we make eye contact. "You are my mate. I love you. I care about you. I accept you as my mate now and forever." I say softly before kissing his forehead. And pulling us down back into our sleeping positions. "Good night, I love you." I say in a sleepy voice. "I love you too" those words made my heart flutter. I pull him close to me and go to sleep.

Skip to next morning

I wake up to an amazing smell I immediately knew it was Darius. He was playing with a strand of my hair. I smile warmly at him until I see the bags under his eyes. I frown at that. "Did you sleep at all last night?" I ask a bit upset "No" he mumbles. "I cant and I wont. Not anymore." He says softly. All his attention is focused on that one strand of hair.

"Why not" I say getting a bit impatient because he wont tell me anything. "I cant" he says simply. "Why cant you?" I say a bit louder. I'm loosing my patients. "I just cant." He says clearly getting annoyed that I wont let it go. Then something in me snaps "Why not!" This time I yell startling him and making him fall off the bed. He quickly grabs his foot that's in the cast. Oops.

"Why cant you just understand?" He says softly. "Why cant you just understand that maybe the reason i cant sleep is because-" He stops. He starts crying softly, "I just cant" . Then suddenly out of nowhere he starts screaming. I quickly get off the bed and rush to his side but then slowly back away when I hear cracking. He's shifting. "Ah!" He yells in pain. It makes me feel worse knowing that I cant do anything to help him.

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