Lies and Laughter

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Harpers POV.

  "You're beautiful." I say unconsciously. "I mean the sunset! It's beautiful!" I say in panic as my face turns a bright shade of red. "Not that you're not beautiful I mean-" My rambling is cut off by her heavenly laugh. "Lets go inside. Dinner is about to start." Harper says and helps push my wheel chair back inside. She helps me into a chair and sits down next to me. Soon enough, pack members begin filling up the empty seats leaving only two seats in front of us. I look at Harper and realize that she is now looking down at her lap with sad eyes. I watch as she fiddles with her shirt. What's wrong with her? 


  I sit at the table and anxiously fiddle with the bottom of my shirt. I hate pack dinners. They always make fun of me. "Looks like the poor excuse of an alpha finally found her mate. You're lucky he's paralyzed because if he wasn't he would walk out on you just like your last mate." Marco says in the pack mind link. Laughter erupts between the members. Tears silently fall down my cheeks as I quickly wipe them away. 

I look up and see that the food has been served and my parents just arrived. "Hello." I say softly with a genuine smile. I turn and see the confusion on Darius' face. "They're my parents. I'm adopted." I whisper to him. He must have not known who they were based on their skin color. I'm white ( a bit tan ) and they're dark skinned. But I still love them just as much. Darius mouths an 'Oh' and both him and I start eating.

 Once dinner is over, Darius and I start heading to my room before some pack members appear. "Hey Harper! We need to talk." They say between giggles and exchanging looks. "This can't be good." My wolf Lenny says with a worried voice. I slowly nod and turn to look at Darius. "You head back without me. You know where to go right?" I ask. He nods and starts to go. After he turns to a different hallway the pack members start talking. 

"Do you really think he wants you?" A girl says cruelly as Ron pushes me to the ground. I start to panic and run. "Get her!" They yell and start chasing after me. One of the boys runs in front of me and trips me making me fall. I let out a cry of pain. "You sprained your ankle." Lenny says. "No duh." I reply sarcastically. I look up in fear as the group of pack members surround me. "Just watch. He won't last long." They say and walk away. 

I stand up and limp my way back to my room to find Darius waiting for me next to my bed. I smile and try to walk normally by putting less weight on my right leg than on my left. I hop onto my bed and take off my leg brace and take a peek at my now slightly swollen ankle. "What happened?" Darius asks. "I fell when I was... um... going to the bathroom?" I say making it sound more like a question. 

Darius looks at me with one eyebrow raised. I smile innocently. "Okay.." He says not sounding completely sure. "Lets get you to bed." I say and help Darius onto my bed. The second his head touches the pillows he falls asleep. I silently chuckle, lay down next to him and fall asleep in the warmth and comfort of his arms.

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