Act 2, Scene 1

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Act 2, Scene 1

Setting: Forest

MOTH and ROBIN GOODFELLOW (PUCK) meet on stage.

ROBIN: Hello, Spirit! Where are you going?

MOTH:                  I go over hills and valleys. I work for Titania, the Fairy Queen and organize fairy dances for her. Now, I have to go find some dewdrops. Goodbye, old Spirit. I’ve got to go…

ROBIN:                 Spirit, just make sure the Queen doesn’t come anywhere near the King, because King Oberon is extremely angry. He’s furious because the Queen have stolen an adorable boy from an Indian King, and Oberon’s jealous. He wants the child for himself, to be part of his crew. But the Queen refuses to hand the boy over to Oberon.

MOTH:                  Unless I’m mistaken, you’re that mischievous spirit named Robin Goodfellow. Aren’t you the one who delights in playing pranks on mortals? Some people call you “Puck”. That’s you, right?

ROBIN:                 That’s me you’re talking about, the playful wanderer of the night. But step aside fairy! Here comes Oberon.

MOTH:                  And here’s my mistress, Titania.


On the opposite side of the stage, TITANIA Enters with her Fairies.



OBERON:             How not nice to see you, Titania.

TITANIA:              What, are you jealous Oberon? Since the beginning of Midsummer, my fairies and I haven’t been able to meet anywhere to do our dances in the wind without being disturbed by you and your arguments. And because you interrupt us, the winds have made thick fogs, the river flood, and things around are getting worst. And this is all because of our argument. We are responsible for this.

OBERON:             Do something about it then. You have the power to fix it. All I’m asking for is to have that little human boy as part of my crew.

TITANIA:              Get over it. I won’t give up that child for all of Fairyland.

                                His mother was one of my worshippers, but since she’s a mortal, she died giving birth to that boy. And for her sake, I’m raising that boy and will not give him up.

                                (To Fairies) Come fairies, let’s go now.

TITANIA and her Fairies Exit




OBERON:             Well, go on your way then. I will pay you back for this insult.

                                (To ROBIN) Robin, my Puck, come here. You remember the little Red Flower where Cupid’s arrow accidentally all? If its juice is put on someone’s eyes while they’re asleep, that person will fall in love with the next living creature he or she sees. Bring me this flower, and get back here immediately.




OBERON:             I’ll trickle some drops of that Flower’s juice to Titania’s eyes then she’ll fall madly in love with the first thing she sees when she wakes up. And before I make her normal again, I’ll get that Little boy as part of my Crew. (Movement from the Bushes will get OBERON’s Attention)

Wait, someone’s coming. I’ll make myself invisible and listen to their conversation.

DEMETRIUS enter, Followed by HELENA



DEMETRIUS:       Look, I don’t Love you! So stop following me around.

HELENA:              Yes, I know that already, but that makes me love you even more. Can’t you see, I’m your little “Doggie”

DEMETRIUS:       Stop it! You’re making me sick.

                                Where could Lysander and my beautiful Hermia be?




HELENA:              Wait for me, my love!




OBERON:             Poor young lady.




ROBIN:                 My lord, here it is, the Flower! (Hand over the Red Flower to OBERON)

OBERON:             I’ll put some of this on Titania’s eyes when she fell asleep.

(To ROBIN) And you… take some of this, (Hand over the Red Flower to ROBIN) and look around this part of the forest. A sweet Athenian lady is in Love with a young man who wants nothing to do with her, Put some of this on that Man’s eyes. So that he’ll end up loving her. After that, meet me here at dawn.


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