Act 4, Scene 1

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Act 4, Scene 1

Setting: Forest


OBERON on the Queen’s Bed; ROBIN Enter



OBERON:                                      Good Robin, do you see this sweet sight?

I had taunted her and she begged me to leave her alone, I asked for that Indian boy. And she gave it to me right away. Now that I have the boy, I’ll undo the spell caused by the Red Flower of Cupid.

(OBERON Squeezes the juice from the second-white flower into TITANIA’s eyes)

Return to normal my Queen. This bud belongs to Diana, the goddess of Virginity, and it has the power to undo the effects of Cupid’s flower. Now, my sweet Titania, Wake up.

TITANIA:                                       (Waking up) Oberon, my love, I’ve had such a strange Dream!

                                                         I dreamed I was in love with an Ass.


OBERON:                                      There’s your boyfriend. 


TITANIA:                                       Oh, I hate looking at his face now… How did this happen?


OBERON:                                      Be quiet for a while. (To ROBIN) Robin, take off his Donkey head.

(To TITANIA) Get the fairies to play some music and make these five people sleep more soundly. So that when they wake up, they can all go back to Athens. They’ll only remember the events of tonight as a very unpleasant dream.

(The Music Plays)


ROBIN:                                          (Removing the ass’ head from BOTTOM)

                                                         (After the Music) Listen, Fairy King. Morning’s almost here.


OBERON:                                      Come now my Queen…

They all Exit

A Hunting Horn Blows, THESEUS, Enters with his Servants, followed by PHILOSTRATE, EGEUS, and HIPPOLYTA



                                (To HIPPOLYTA) My beautiful Hippolyta, where going to the mountains to hunt before our wedding.

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