Act 2, Scene 2

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Act 2, Scene 2

Setting: Forest with a Sleeping Place full of flowers around it for the Queen

TITANIA lying on her Sleeping Place with her Fairies around her



TITANIA:              Come, dance in a circle and sing my fairies. Sing me to sleep, and then go off to do your duties and let me rest.

FAIRIES will Sing…



FAIRIES:               You spotted snakes with double tongue

                                Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen

                                Newts and Blind-worms do no wrong

                                Come not near our Fairy Queen.

                                Philomel, with melody

                                Sing in our sweet lullaby

                                Lulla, lulla, Lullaby

Lulla, lulla, Lullaby

Never harm,

Nor spell, nor charm,

Come not near our lady nigh,

So, good night with Lullaby.

Weaving spiders come not here;

Hence, you long-legged spinners, hence!

Beetles black, approach not near;

Worm nor snail, do no offence.

Philomel, with melody

                                Sing in our sweet lullaby

                                Lulla, lulla, Lullaby

Lulla, lulla, Lullaby

Never harm,

Nor spell, nor charm,

Come not near our lady nigh,

So, good night with Lullaby.




PEASEBLOSSOM:            Okay, let’s go fairies! The Queen’s asleep and everything’s fine now.



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