Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Beep… Beep… Beep” I heard a machine from beside me. I tried to sit up but my head hurt too much. Some type of grunting noise escaped my lips as I sat up.

“Vi?! Oh thank god Vi, you’re alive!” I heard Noah say. He stood up from his chair and ran over to me. He kissed my fore head and hugged me.

“Ow” I whispered.

“Sorry” he said letting go. “You got me worried sick! Damn, I wonder who did that”

“What happened anyway?” I asked hoping that he wouldn’t remember.

“There was an explosion and you passed out, your head began to bleed hence the band aid on your head.” He said pointing at my head.

“Can you pass me a notepad? My throat hurts too much for me to speak.” I said motioning him to pass me the one on the table. He handed it to me with a pencil.

I think I know who created the explosion at KFC” I handed it to him and he read it.

“Really?! Who?!” I put my finger to my lips to indicate that he needs to put the shut to the up before a bystander hears. He handed me back the notepad to right down the answer.

I think it was the wolfies. They might have been trying to kill me because of the little accident I had. A vampire for a wolfie :’(” I handed it back to him.

“Damn, why didn’t I think of that” He said with a little bit of disappointment. “What are we going to do?” I motioned him to give me the notepad.

How about we take a bottle of aspirin and we get the hell on out of here.” I handed it back to him with a sly smile on my face.

“Vi, I know that smile. What are you up to?” I pointed to the notepad. “Oh, right” he said looking embarrassed. He read it and he looked me in the eyes. He went into the closet and threw me my clothes. He helped me up and helped me with my clothes. He went to the table and threw me a bottle of aspirin. I took two out and drank some water. I put them in the pocket of my duffle bag. I took off the band aid my head.

“Hey Noah? Can you take out a small band aid and put it on my head?”

“Of course.” He opened a drawer and took out one. “Here you go.” He said as he put it on my head. He kissed the back of my neck and picked up his duffle bag. He opened the window and he jumped. I jumped after him and he caught me right before I hit the floor. We ran to the Hummer and threw our duffle bags in the back.

“Wait, if there was an explosion, how do we still have our duffle bags and the car?” I asked just realizing that if there was an explosion everything would have been incinerated.

“Oh. Right. I hope you wouldn’t notice.” I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

“Does it look like I’m blind?” I asked.

“Ok fine, I did something to the Hummer a while back so that what ever happened to it, it would stay perfectly fine.” I nodded looking through the front mirror.

“And the duffle bags?”

“They were in the car to.” I nodded again.

“Ok then. Let’s roll.” He pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive. My head began to feel better. I looked at my watch. 4:30 AM.

“What day is it?” I asked him. I haven’t seen a calendar in a long time. He checked the dashboard.

“It says that it’s June 28th. Two days before your birthday.” He said with a big smile on his face.

“Please, don’t remind me.” I hate it when people yell out “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” That is one of the things that piss me off the most. They treat me differently because of a special day. I’m turning 20. I don’t have anyone to celebrate it with except for Noah.

“Come on Vi! Aren’t you excited that you’re turning 20. You remember how excited I was when I was turning 20?” He said with an even wider smile. I laughed out loud.

“Damn, I had to slap you 5 times before you would calm down.” I said still laughing. He began to laugh to. “Noah, I love your laugh.” This was true. His laugh was loud and wide.

“I love your laugh too.” He said smiling. I’ve always hated my laugh. It was loud but not loud like Noah’s, it was an annoying kind of loud. It was wide too but annoying kind of wide.

“So where to next?” I asked hoping that he had an answer.

“We have to leave the country.” I turned my head.

“Noah, what in the bloody hell are you talking about?” I asked a bit scared.

“Is that fear I hear? Is that fear I hear in the voice of the almighty brave N360 afraid to leave the country?” He said in a sarcastic shocked voice.

“Damn you Noah! You know I don’t like flying.” I said beginning to get mad. I began to breathe slow count from one to ten with my eyes closed.

“Damn Vi, are you on your period or somethng?" He said with some sadness in his voice.

“Sorry Noah, I shouldn’t have done that, and no I’m not on my period, but you know what happened when I was 8.” I got a flashback. It was back to when I was 8. I was with my parents on an airplane. I was so excited. We were going to go to Hawaii! I went to sleep. I woke up 20 minutes later to the sound of an explosion. A volcano erupted and we were right over it. The plane was torn in half. My parents were asleep. They were heavy sleepers. I tried to wake my parents up. I still hear the fear in my voice.

“Mommy!! Daddy!! Wake up!! Please, we have to leave! The plane is going to drown, and if we don’t get off it, we’re going to drown with it!” I kicked them; I slapped them; I did everything I could to wake them up. They wouldn’t budge. I didn’t want to die, so I took my life jacket and ran and jumped into the ocean. I saw a helicopter floating above. I waved my hands to show that I was down in the ocean. A ladder fell and I climbed about half way until someone who came down to help me up faster. I was the only survivor. My god parents were Noah’s parents. We knew each other since we were in diapers, it made sense that I would live with them. Noah called my name out three times before I heard him.

“Vi!” he screamed.

“What? What? What’s happening? Oh, sorry, I zoned out.” I dug around my duffle bag to look for my iPod. It was a fourth generation iPod touch. I was grateful that I had it. “Noah, I’m going to sleep this new headache off. Wake me up when we get to the airport” I put on my Dr. Dre earphones on before I could hear him say anything else. I closed my eyes and I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

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