Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I woke up to see Noah smiling at me. He looked tired. He handed me my breakfast. Chocolate chip waffles with some orange juice and a small bowl of Coco Puffs cereal with some milk.

“Noah you look tired. What were you doing the whole night?” I asked as I took a bite of my waffle. I saw that Noah had the same platter.

“I was watching you sleep” he replied still smiling. I kissed him for about 20 seconds. “Oh and happy birthday Vi.” I sighed. He picked up his bag from under us and took out something in a box. I didn’t see what it was since he was covering it. It was a necklace. “It’s real gold and it has half of a heart on it.” He said with an even wider smile. I turned so he can put it around my neck.

“Where’s the other half?” I asked. He pointed to his chest. I realized that he was wearing it. I put it together and it said: “Happy birthday. I will love you forever onward. <3 Love Noah.” I couldn’t help but smile. It was the best birthday present anyone could have ever got for me. I kissed him again, but this time for over a minute.

“Happy birthday Vi.” Said Ty with a wide grin on his face. I was surprised he remembered. I gave him a hug. He saw the surprise in my face and laughed. Noah and I gave a small giggle. “And I got you something from duty free.” He gave me a small bottle of perfume. I smelled the top and it smelled really good.

“Wow thanks Ty.” I saw that Noah’s face began to get red with envy. “Ty you know that Noah and I are dating right?” I asked hoping he would say yes. He nodded a little bit of disappointment in his face.

“Passengers, please return to your seats and strap the safety belt. We are about to land in Rome.” We heard the pilot say. Ty went back to his seat. I put on my belt and ate the rest of my breakfast watching “The Fresh Prince of Bel-air.” After Noah and I finished we gave our plates to the stewardess. I stretched and yawned. I pulled out another mint. Noah held out his hand to indicate me that he wants one. I gave him 2. I looked out of the window. I can see Rome. It looked so beautiful. I watched as the plane landed and when it came to a full stop. We waited till the aisles were clear so that we could walk out with out any trouble. We kissed before we went down the tube. I loved Noah’s lips against mine. It made me forget about everything that was happening at the moment. It made me push back all my worries and fears. I was glad that I had Noah. As we went into the airport I took out a Snickers bar and took a big bite. I love my chocolate. I gave Noah a Mars bar. We went through the security. As we went out we decided to look for a hotel first. I asked on of the receptionist where the best hotel was. She told me that is was the “Venaicion.” I shrugged at Noah. We took a taxi to the hotel. I looked around at Venice. It was so beautiful. I was beginning to think that living here wasn’t so bad. As we entered the hotel I saw the ceiling was full of drawings of naked angels and people whose private areas was covered.

“Can we get a suite?” Noah asked. The receptionist looked at him in an arrogant way. He gave us a key.

“As soon as you leave we will issue you a bill.” He said with disgust. I was ready to slap him across the face but then Noah took my hand. We walked to the elevator hand in hand. As we entered I rolled my earphones around my iPod and put it in my bag. As we arrived on our floor I did a really stupid face to the camera and Noah laughed. We walked to our room in silence. This should be good I thought. He unlocked the door my mouth made an O shape of surprise. The room was amazing! It was big; there was a couch, 2 TV’s, and a mini bar. I put my bag down on the bed. There was only one. I took out some new fresh clothes and laid them on the bed. I was going to take a shower first. When I got in the bathroom I took off my clothes and decided to go into the big Jacuzzi. As I sat in the warm water I realized that there was a TV. I found the remote next to the tub and turned it on. I found the buttons to turn on the Jacuzzi. It felt amazing. This was paradise. Noah opened the door. The bubbles covered up my bare body.

“Can I join you?” He asked as he took off his shirt. I saw his strong chest and his 6 pack.

“Do you even have to ask?” I said as I put on my sexiest smile. He took off his pants and got in with his boxers. I had on my panties. Thank god I forgot to take them off I thought. But my bra wasn’t on. I didn’t mind that. He put his arm around my waist as we watched Nick at Nite. I loved Nick at Nite. It had all the good things on. We watched that 70’s Show, My Wife and Kids, Drake and Josh, iCarly, and Victorious. We laughed, we kissed, and we touched. “I think that I should get out and put some clothes on” I said giggling seeing that my hands began to wrinkle. I got out and put on a towel. Noah turned off the Jacuzzi and the TV. He also took out the plug for the water in the Jacuzzi. He put on a towel and we both went out of the bathroom. I took off my underwear with the towel still on. I didn’t want him to see me down there just yet. Noah did the same. I put on the fresh clothes I laid out. He took out some underwear and put it on. He was looking for something to wear as I got out a coke from the fridge. I turned on the TV and sat on the couch. I wondered why Nick at Nite was on so early. I checked my watch. It was only 1:00 PM. When Noah finally put on some clothes, I turned off the TV was about ready to leave. I finished the last of my coke and crushed the can. On my way out I threw it into the trash can. We went to the elevator hand in hand. He kissed my fore head as we entered the elevator. The same receptionist glared at us as we entered the restaurant. I adjusted my ski cap as we sat at table. A waiter came up to us with menus. I ordered a burger and some fried along with a coke. Noah ordered Fettuccini pasta with some water.

“You should have ordered some pasta.” Noah said to me. “You need to watch your health.” I raised one eyebrow.

“Do you even what’s in Fettuccini?” I asked. “There’s butter, cheese, and a whole bunch of other things that can raise your cholesterol.” Noah looked down. I laughed.

“I guess you’re right” he said in a mock tone of sadness. I giggled. The waiter came back with our food. I took a bite of Noah’s pasta. He took a bite of my burger and some fries. I was smiled at him. I got a notification on my iPod. That’s weird I thought. I looked at it. It was for facebook.

“Noah, my facebook is still active. I thought that since we didn’t open it for 3 years it would completely shut down.”

“Damn! You must have gotten a lot of notifications, messages and friend requests.” He said with a big smile on his face. I unlocked my iPod and I saw 857 notifications, 462 messages, and 164 friend requests. Damn, I thought. I clicked on all 3. When I got my iPod I logged on to facebook and never logged off. I deleted all of my social apps so that I wouldn’t get anything from the people of my past. I finished my burger, fries and burger. Noah finished his food a few minutes before I did. I began to see waves. I don’t know where they came from. I felt dizzy. I drank some of Noah’s water. We stood up after we paid the bill. Right after we left the restaurant my world began to turn black again. The last things I heard were

“Vi? Vi?! Come on Vi wake up!! Can anyone help me?!” I heard a few screams before I hit the floor. After that total darkness.

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