Behind Ruby Eyes

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            Blackness surrounded and pressed in upon me. Was this death, if so at least the pain is gone? Faint sounds reached my ears, funny little noises that made me feel safe and not so alone. Soon the sounds grew, only now they sounded more like sirens. That was when the pain slowly return as a dull ache, soon it had spread covering my whole body, only now it was unbearable.

            The darkness soon started to fade and the real world outside was coming back to me. The metallic smell of blood assaulted my nose, and the coppery taste filled my mouth. My eyes slowly opened but the brightness of the room forced them closed again. It took all that I had to force them open once more, and slowly the light faded until I could see.

            The first thing I noticed was the blood the pooled under my left side, flowing freely from the damage to my mouth. As my mind took note of that the pain in my mouth doubled causing a small moan to escape. “Over here!” A loud voice broke the silence causing me to jerk only the pain caused another moan to escape. “She still alive, call the paramedics!” A shadow blocked out the light that shined overhead and I looked through the corners of my eyes to keep from moving.

            A man kneeled down next to me with soft bluish green eyes, and his short black hair spiked in the odd of places. He reached out laying a hand on my shoulder gentle rolling me onto my back. His eyes widen into shock as he stared down at me, from the moan that escaped as he rolled me, or from how bad I must look, I wasn’t sure. “Ashley everything’s going to be alright.” His voice was forced to remain calm, but as I stared into his eyes a trust rose between us. “I will get the guy that did this.”

            Noises of a group of people broke the silence left by his voice, and I soon found four other people near me. Two of them wore black Police uniforms, while the other two wore dark blue ones with the crossed snakes pendent on the sleeves. Those two soon kneeled next to me laying their bright orange bags down as they started moving things away from around me. I looked back to the eyes that had given me so much trust, and held them as they went about hooking tubes and bags to my arms.

            I did gag a little as they place gauze into my mouth to help stop all the blood that trouble my breathing. I knew the discomfort I felt now was only a foresight of what was to come. As they went about getting my vitals and sticking me with needles another man wearing the same uniform walked in holding a long orange back board and I knew pain was about to come. My eyes jerked back to those bluish green ones as I felt a hand take mine knowing it would be his.

            “They will be gentle.” I nodded softly but the pain forced me to stop, that was when they placed a neck brace on. The pain I felt as they rolled me to place the board under me sent my teeth together, if I still had teeth. The pain of my jaw stretching passed it’s normal point forced my mouth open causing the blood soaked gauze to fall free. Once they had me back onto my back one of the paramedics placed more gauze into my mouth. They counted to ten, then stood with me suspended between.

            They carried me up the stairs and out into the cool night’s air. Sounds of people talking pressed in from all sides. Then a silence fell as they placed me on the bed and rolled me over to the back of the ambulance. I looked around seeing hundreds of faces staring back at me, each with the shock of ten men upon them.

            The roughness of them placing me in the back sent painful shivers down my skins, and the brightness of the overhead lamps hurt my eyes. Two of the Paramedics got in with me, while the one that delivered the backboard stood waiting for those trusting eyes to get in. A few seconds later the door to the driver’s seat opened and closed followed by the deep voice of the man’s “Are we ready?”

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