Chapter 17 - Abandon Feeling

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            “You’re quiet.” Dad said looking down at me with a sad smile. I looked up finally freed from my thoughts. A worried look shined of his face, a look that was mirrored by Jane, who was sitting next to me.

            “I’m just thinking.” I said softly hearing the depression easily in my voice. I could see that Dad looked shifted as he heard it.

            “Hey please don’t let your mother upset you honey.” I gave a fake smile, something that even Jane could see through. I pushed up from the clothed table of the really nice restaurant.

            “I need to us the restroom.” I turned before they could say anything and walked off. The restrooms were on the other side of the dining-hall near the kitchen, and I had to pass by so many tables to reach the sanctuary of the hallway. Once I reached the door to the restroom I smiled at seeing that they were little single rooms. I took the first one and locked the door behind me then turned and sat back on the toilet lid.

            My eyes started to water up, and I buried my face into my hands just as the first tear rolled down my cheek. Why couldn’t she just be happy that I was, why did she have to been this way? I cried as I realized that I may have just lost my mother forever, knowing that her view on what I was were very clear, and I seriously doubted that it would change.

            A soft tabbing came from the thick wooden door. “Ash, can I come in.” Jane said just as softly. I sat up wiping my face with a sheet of toilet paper then got to my feet. I crossed the room to the mirror and frown at seeing how red my eyes were, there was no way I was hiding it from her. I turned unlocking the lock and opened the door.

            She was standing there with a sad face, as she took in my red eyes. She pushed opened the door wider and walked past me letting me close and lock the door again. I walked back over to the toilet while she leaned up against the sink. “Your dad was worried about you, and so was I.” I nodded clearing my throat.

            “I’m alright.” I said maybe a rather to quickly, cause her lips to thin in her disbelief.

            “You’re anything but alright, which you have every right to be. No one would be alright if this happened to them. Your mother will get over this, mine did.” I smiled wishfully and shook my head.

            “Mom and her family speak out really strongly about how they felt about people like us. I really don’t think she can change on this one.” I looked up meeting her eyes and saw that she was looking down at the floor. “I really don’t know what is going to happen when I go back home.” I pushed up and she looked up as I walked over to her. “But I’m not going to let her take you away from.” I reached out and slowly rubbed her cheek causing her eyes to close.

            After a moment I stopped and cupped her cheeks with both of my hands and pulled her lips to mine. I had only meant for it to be a soft quick kiss, but as our lips touched it was like a whirlwind of emotions shot through us, and both of us pulled each other tightly. Her hand grabbed my waist and slowly worked their way up my side, sending little bolts of pleasure up my spine. The kiss deepened and before I know it we had our tongues twirled around each other’s.

            The sharp rapping of a fist broke the kiss finally and I looked around confused by my surroundings. All too soon the memories of the night came back and I frown for a second until I looked back at Jane. Her hair was messy and she looked deeply out of breath, I smiled as a senses of pride filled me for making her feel that way.

            I unlocked the door to find a really annoyed looking waiter standing at the door with a glare a crossed his face. “Misses we don’t tolerate such behave in this restaurant.” I glare back at him and took a set forward.

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