Chapter 15 - Jane's Seeing the Worst

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            Ashley looked tense as I peeked at her while I drove. She wasn’t talking, which was something she did often, but it felt different somehow. “Are you alright?” I asked turned to look at her full.

            “Huh?” She turned towards me with a vacant look then she smiled softly at me. “Sorry I was just thinking.” Her voice was calm, calmer then it normal was, so I knew something was really bothering her. I smiled as I turned back thinking how easily she was to read, or maybe she was that way with me. I turned into my drive and we both got out and headed up to the door. I unlocked the door and stepped back letting her through.

            “You want to order a pizza?” I called out as she walked over to the couch, dropping her bag down next to it, before dropping herself into it.

            “Yeah that sound good.” I nodded and walked into the kitchen and grabbed the phone dialing my favorite pizzeria. A tired sounding Kevin answered the phone I smiled. “How’s the ovens?” I asked with a chuckling.

            “Wouldn’t know the damn owner has me on the phone, what you want?” He was way to serious for my liking so I placed my order and hung up. Kevin got that way whenever he didn’t sleep the night before. I walked back into the living room and found Ashley sitting on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest. Her face was blank, but her eyes told a different story.

            “Hey want got you so distracted?” I said grabbing her hand taking the seat beside her. “And why do you look so scared?” She smiled sadly as she looked over at me and it broke my heart at seeing the terror and sadness in her eyes. “You can tell me?”

            “What if they let him out?” She whispered laying her head down on her knees. “What if they feel sorry for him and just let him go.” She sound so afraid and I wondered like I so often did, how bad was it for her?

            “They won’t.” I said with absolutely in my voice, and she smiled sighing.

            “Sorry just working myself up is all. I thought I could handle this, this time, but I guess I just had a delayed reaction.” I smiled taking her cheek into my hand and tilted my head to the side looking into her eyes.

            “I don’t know how bad it was for you, but I know this can’t be easy. The uncertain of what’s going to happen. I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you.” Her eyes harden as she sat up pushing her legs into the floor.

            “They wouldn’t let a person out that could do this to a ten year old right.” She said angrily turning and reached down grabbing her shirt helm. She slowly pulled the fabric up her back as if she was scared to do so, and as her flesh was revealed I knew why. I held my hand to my mouth as a gasp left my lips. A crossed her back were long discolored purplish scars. It looked as if someone had taken a knife and started cutting bits of her flesh off, and a horrible feeling told me that’s what he did.

            I reached out silently and placed my finger against one of them and slowly ran it over the edge of it until I reached her lower back. I moved to another and did the same until I had done it with all of them. I noticed how the scared seem to wrap around her stomach and I moved to see if they did. I felt sick as I saw the scar continue all the way around her, and I gasp again at seeing that it was only two scars, both starting at her bellybutton.

              She dropped her shirt and turned back to me and I just stared at her froze in sickness and anger. “How could he just do that?” I asked before I thought about it and she smiled sadly again.

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