Chapter 6 Sleepover & Strange Feelings

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            I was clicking my teeth as I put my stuff away in my locker, knowing that Jane would soon be here. It’s not that I was scared to be alone with her or anything, but something made me feel nervous about the whole sleepover. I closed my locker just as Jane arrived smiling at me. “You ready to go.” I nodded turning to follow her outside.

            Once we got in the car I looked over at her. “I need to stop by home to get some things.” She nodded and off we went. When we got to my house she got out with me, and I quickly made my way up to my room. Once there I grabbed my overnight bag and pulled some clothes out of the closet. Jane sat on my bed watching me as I started running my finger over my books.

            “You really must like to read, I don’t think my whole house has this many books.” I smiled shaking my head as I pulled one free of the shelf.

            “You keep forgetting that I have eidetic memory, so once I read a book it’s pretty much done to me, these are just my favorites, I do like reading them from time to time.” I said with a soft sigh.

            “I guess remembering everything must really suck.” I shrugged throwing the book into my bag, then walked into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a box of denture cream and threw it out onto the bed. I started looking for my denture brush when I turned back towards Jane’s voice. “Why did he do this to you?” I sighed hating to be asked about this, but Jane quickly shook her head smiling at me. “That wasn’t a question to you, I just said it out loud, sorry.”

            I snorted grabbing my brush and walked back into the bedroom, placing the cream and brush into the bag. “He was planning to keep me around.” Jane looked up clearly surprised that I did answer her. Her face held curiosity, but I could also see her trying to keep it straight. “Jane out of all the people I’ve met, you seem to get me to talk about anything. I know you want to hear this, and I have a feeling that I going to tell you at some point, but I don’t think that that time has arrived yet.”

            She smiled looking softly at me. “Then I can wait for the right time.” She said sitting up, I returned her the smile and grabbing my bag pulling it up onto my arm. “Ashley I don’t want to hurt you in anyway, because I find that I really like you.” She said caringly, and reaching out grabbing my hand. She held it for only a second, but the warmth it lingered long after she pulled away. I held her eyes liking how she felt about me.

            “I do like to spend time with you as well, and I happy that we bumped into each that day.” She laughing softly getting up and together we walked down into the kitchen where I left a note for mom. Jane took the note with a cocky smile and wrote both her cell number and address.

            “That should help ease her into this.” I said walking over to the fridge.

            “Is she always so protective of you?” I turned back to her holding out a soda with a frown.

            “She was the one that let me walk to my friend’s house that day, so that makes her feel guilty about what happened. Since then she’s been really hard to deal with. She doesn’t want to lose the girl she once knew, but she doesn’t understand what’s happening to me. Dad helps me out as much as he can, but sometimes she’s just goes off like she did last night.” Jane nodded giving me a heartfelt smile.

            “Do you think she is going to change?” I nodded with my own smile.

            “Yeah, she’s slowly coming around.” I said laughing and Jane joined in. We left the house and drove over to Jane’s home, with was a beautiful two story. The living room was beautiful, and so was their kitchen, but my favorite had to be Jane’s room. The walls were a soft white with boy band posters all over it. Her bed, which sat in a corner, had a very light green color, and it looked so soft. She had computer on a red oak wood desk, and a small matching bookshelf. The dresser was a softer oak, but brown.

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