Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I tried to avoid Caine as much as possible. I would hide out in my room or I'd go over to Alyssa's house. It's been a few days since that incident in the hallway. I was so afraid of him, everything about him frightened me to my very core. I just didn't understand, not only that but why did he feel the need to get so close to me? Who does he think I am? I'm not sure if his intentions but I'm afraid.

I really wish he'd leave, I'm tired of his dark presence in our house. I sighed, as I covered my face in my hands. I really need to stay away from him. Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate.

"Hello?" I answered, my ears perked up to the movement in the background and heavy breathing.

"Bryce? Can you come and get me?" Alyssa pleaded, her voice shaking with unease.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, immediately alert. I knew something was wrong. This isn't like Alyssa, if it's one thing I knew about her, she was never afraid.

"Please Bryce, I can't talk to long they'll hear me." She sobbed, I felt sense of fear creep in my gut. They? What is going on?

"Alyssa please tell me..what's going on?" I pleaded desperately. I had this bad feeling in my stomach. I wanted to be aware of what I was walking into.

I needed to get her first and get her away from these people. "Nevermind tell me where you are?" I inquired, panic laced within my words.

"I'm at this party, it's at Matthew's house. Please hurry!" She cried, then someone in the background started screaming before she hung up. I didn't waste any time, I quickly put on my converses. I threw open my room door and raced down the stairs. I grabbed my mom's car keys off the hook.

My mom was cooking in the kitchen, when she saw me and gave me a smile. "Where are you going?" She asked curiously as she peered over to where I stood.

I plastered a fake smile on my face. "Over to Alyssa's house,"

She nodded and her smile faltered, as she looked at me more closely. "Honey are you okay?"

I give her wide forced smile. "Nothing I'm fine, can I borrow your car?" I asked with a sweet smile on my face.

She analyzed me with concern swimming in her eyes. "Sure,"

I waved goodbye and I hurriedly ran the out the door once I wasn't in her sight. My eyes zeroed in on her car in the driveway. I hopped in the driver's seat and stuck the key in the ignition. Then took off down the street. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty. I was so scared, I've never heard that kind of fear in Alyssa's voice. So many scenarios was floating in my mind. It was made me drive faster. I felt like I wanted to vomit. My instincts was telling me something was really wrong. I exhaled, I needed to calm down. Breathe Bryce.

I felt like jumping for joy when I saw Matt's house come into view. I parked my mom's car and slowly got out. The scene before me made me gasp. His house was destroyed. The windows and doors was broken. And the home looked like it was going to fall at any minute.

I began to walk quickly into the home, it looked even worse on the inside. It looked like someone trashed the place not only that but the house was suspiciously quiet. This is supposed to be a party? I didn't hear a sound. I tip toed around the broken glass, and glanced around but I didn't see not a single person. I walk towards the stairs, where is she? Then I hear a noise, its so quiet I thought I imagined it.

I listened closely and I heard a low wail. I turned around, it was coming from the direction of the basement. I walked over to a metal door and I heard someone talking.

"Yes, we should it'll be the easiest way, " An unknown voice murmured. I heard someone move around. Then I hear a loud thump and someone groaning in pain.

"That's stupid, we need to lay low. And we need to get out of here," The other voice responded with agitation.

My eyes widened when I heard that voice. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. My heart speed up with fear that has me inaudibly gasping.

Caine continued. "And you don't know them like I do, so listen to what I have to fucking say!" He growled, his voice echoing off the walls. "You're all new to this. I know what I'm doing! And if you don't want to listen to me, then get the hell out of here! " Caine hissed.

Then all of a sudden I heard footsteps. My breathe quickened, I had to find a place to hide. I hurriedly hid behind a torn sofa. Just as Caine exited the basement, his face is twisted in rage. Behind him is two unknown men. It was too dark to make out their facial features.

I watched them leave the house. I know it's not no coincidence that Caine was here. Something tells me he was involved to do with it.

I stand up from my crouching position from behind the sofa and head toward the basement. I race down the stairs and that's when I see her. My best friend is beaten and bruised in the corner. She doesn't have any clothes on and all of that blood. Oh my god, I gasped in horror. Tears fill my eyes, I ran to her side.

"Alyssa?!" I cried, crouched down to her level. She opened her eyes. "Bryce?" She croaked, dried blood was crusted around her mouth. I laid my head down on her stomach and cried. What did they do to her?

I get up and cover her body with shirt I found nearby. "Alyssa we need to get you to a hospital," I mumbled with false calmness.

Her eyes widened in fear and she virtuously shakes her head. "No we can't, please Bryce we can't."

I stared at her disbelief. "Why in the hell not?" I exclaimed, my voice rising an octave higher. She gazed at me, her eyes looked so lost and afraid.

My heart shattered, seeing her like this made me cry. She shook her head. "Please, I'm begging you Bryce don't. Just go to my house," She begged.

I stared at her long and hard before I sighed. "Okay, "

I wanted to ask what happened so badly. I wanted to know what those bastards did to my best friend. I felt rage bubble inside of me. That fucking prick wait till I get my hands in him. I know he had something to do with it. I saw him come from the basement, the same place my beaten best friend is. I helped Alyssa up, she wobbled slightly. I wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her. We walked together up the stairs to my mom's car. I helped her get in the passenger seat. I closed the door once she's inside. When I turn around, I see something out the corner of my eye. But before I can fully see it, its gone.

I hopped in the driver's seat and speed off down the street.

I leaned back into the chair and I run my hands through my blonde hair. I glanced at Alyssa's face while she slept. She looked so peaceful. Nothing like she was when she was in Matt's basement. She was so shaken up and terrified.

After I left Matt's place, I went to Alyssa's house thankfully her parents were out. So I grabbed the spare key in the plant, then came in. I bandaged Alyssa up pretty well and as I cleaned her up, she passed out. I saw blood all over her body. They beat the hell out of her. I was so angry, I was literally shaking.

She had cuts and bruises everywhere. She look like she been through hell, after I put her on some clothes. I laid her down in her bed.

I was so livid, all I see is red. They hurt my bestfriend. Those cold hearted assholes. And once I find them they're gonna pay. Well I already know where one is.

He's going to suffer.

𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin