Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Once again I seemed to be on way to watch him kill another person. No matter how many times I've seen this I will never get used it. I wonder how can he sleep at night, when knows that he killed someone?

They probably had loved ones that was going to be devastated once they hear about their deaths. Sometimes when I'm around Caine I don't know what to do, it's hard to keep my mouth shut. I need to keep myself safe, I have to protect myself because I'm the only one that seems to care about my well being.

I'm so surprised that I was able to last this long, but don't know if I can hold on any longer. I try to remind myself that I have to endure this until I get the perfect opportunity to escape.

I don't know where I'm going to go, but I have to get away from here. So far that they won't be able to find me. I can't let them find me, I'd rather die than to be taken by Caine again. Last night when he choked me, something inside of me was torn into pieces was it my strong will? My hope? I'm not sure but I just have this empty feeling inside of me. Like a dark abyss that I fell into, and I can't seem to get out of.

This morning, Caine woke up, and began to get ready for this day. I was so terrified at what I was going to see today. Caine, he seemed.. happy I guess. Like he couldn't wait to harm another poor victim. I've never even knew evil beasts like him existed. Just having him anywhere near me is such a curse.

Suddenly, I'm pulled from my thoughts by a rough tug on my arm. I turned my head to see none other than Alyssa, whose lips were curled into an ugly sneer. "It's time to go,"

I gave her a deadly glare before I violently yanked my arm out of her grip. "I can exit the car on my own," I replied, coldly as I made my way towards the door. I got out of the car and stood nearby. My eyes took in the our surroundings.

It seemed like we were in a field, woods were as tall as me blocked my vision to see the other side of the road. This looked like a rural area, behind these weeds I'm sure that there was a few farms scattered around here. Caine, Anton and Shawn were slightly far away from the car, speaking in hushed whispers.

I wrapped my arms around myself as a harsh breeze caressed the air around me. I push a stray curl of my blonde hair, behind my ear.

"Follow us," Anton, the white haired young man instructed as he turned to lead the way. The others trailed behind him as well. It was hard to keep up, when the long plants continued to block my vision and hit me. It didn't take long for us to stop in front an old black house.

The black house looked worn and old, the black paint was peeling off. The windows were filled with dirty stains. It was definitely the perfect place to hide, no one suspected a thing. Except for Caine, he of course found the people hiding here.

I continued to follow after the group, my feet, making the squeaky stairs produce a loud creek. Shawn was the one to pick the lock, since it was very old it didn't take to long to for the door to open. Caine looked around the living room, his gaze cold and calculating. I was confused when I noticed how vacant and empty the house was. Not a single piece of furniture was seen, only a few dusty portraits on wall.

"I know they must be around here somewhere, " He murmured thoughtfully as his eyes scanned the room once again. The stairs caught his eye. "Bryce and I will check upstairs, Anton, Alyssa and Shawn stay downstairs and look around here," He ordered as he grabbed the crook of my arm quite roughly. I hold back a whimper of pain as his nails dug into my skin.

I wanted to ask him to slow down a little, I couldn't keep up with his long strides, especially since I was at least a head shorter than him. My legs wasn't as long as his. I was very thankfully when he stopped in front of a wooden door. But then a feeling dread settled in my gut when I heard distant voices behind the door, Caine pulled out his phone. Most likely to let everyone know about the whereabouts of the people he found.

It didn't take them to long to find us, I could barely hear the sound of their footsteps as they reached us. Caine gave them a nod, before he stepped up near the door to open it. He tried to turn the doorknob, but it wasn't bulging.

"It's locked," He mouthed to Anton as he took a few steps back. I jumped when he rammed his body into the door. He continued to do that into the door fell down, I glanced at the discarded door in shock before I followed the others into the room. I saw a figure near the window, probably trying to escape. But Caine grabbed the person before they could.

Once I got a good look at the person I was on the verge of tears. It was a young women, no older than at least 21. She had blonde hair, the same shade as my own. This young women was going to die, all of the other victims were never this young. She wasn't even going to have a chance to live out her life before she died.

I flinched when Caine roughly shoved the blonde haired girl down. She crashed into the wall with a loud thud, her expression is one of pain. She slowly leaned against the wall as she recovered from his shove.

"Damn, and to think I thought this was a good hiding place," The blonde one panted with a shake of her head.

Caine only glared at her as he yanked her up by the front of her white blouse "Clearly it wasn't that good if I found you." He hissed.

Weirdly enough the blond girl didn't cower in fear at his hostile tone, she only laughed. "I was thinking that same thing." She mused.

Caine's eyes narrowed as he saw that little smile on her face. "I assumed that since you were hiding, you obviously don't have the money." He confirmed as he crossed his arms over his chest, his cold blue eyes glared at her with such hostility. She only shrugged. "I tried to pay it back but-"

"I don't give a fuck," He interjected, while retrieving his gun, "You knew what would happen if you didn't have it by last week," He explained as he loaded the bullets into the pistol. My heart started to beat frantically as the blonde girl finally started to show signs of fear. Her blue eyes widened when she saw his gun. Alyssa leaned down to whisper in Shawn's ear, he nodded before he grabbed a hold of Anton as they disappeared from the room. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at their sudden departure.

I don't linger on it too long because my attention is back on the girl, who groaned in pain as she cradled her cheek with her right hand. Her eyes welled up with tears, as she looked up at Caine with a pleading expression. Her bottom lip quivered as he walked closer to her. I wanted to interfere, I didn't want to stand by while he killed her but I've learned from experience to never mess with Caine on the job. Unless of course I wanted to die with her.

My bottom lip trembled just as the girl's had when he pressed the barrel of his gun against her forehead. I used my hand to cover my mouth. Then she turned her attention on me, her eyes were begging me to save her.

I wished more than anything that I could save her, but the minute Caine got his hands on her, she should've known she was a dead woman. If I try to help her, I'm going to be killed as well.

I don't understand why he have to kill them anyways. Killing them doesn't bring back his money, but knowing him. He may only give it out to people he knows can't pay him back so he could have a reason to kill them. I wouldn't put it past him to do that. I turned away from the scene when I saw his finger pulled the trigger. I jumped when I heard the gunshot, my eyes stung with tears.

It's not too long until I feel a hand on my wrist, roughly yanking me away from the scene.

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