Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I looked down to avoid the gazes of Anton and Shawn. I bite my bottom lip to stop the tears that's threatening to leave my eyes. The event occurred not even 10 minutes ago was still lingering in my head.

Seeing Caine shoot that poor man for unknown reasons brought a new darkness to him. It was traumatizing. 

I don't know how I'm going to protect myself against him. If I thought that petty fear I had before was something, its nothing compared to the bone chilling fear that's embedded itself into my core now. I still can't get over the fact he shot someone and even ordered his little minions to kill him.

What about me? What is he going to do to me? He didn't hesitate to shoot that man, I know for a fact he wouldn't hesitate shooting me either. I always see the enjoyment of his face when he torments me. The pleasure he gets out of making me scared shitless. I remember earlier he said he wasn't going to hurt me, he could be lying but why bring me here?

It dawned on me, of course to let me see he's not someone to be taken lightly. That was his plan, now his wants me to do anything and everything he says. Probably if I don't he'll kidnap me in my sleep to bring me here. A chill runs down my spine at that thought. A chill so cold that goosebumps erupted across my arms.

"I wonder why Caine brought you here," Shawn spoke, I glared at the black haired man in distain.

Caine left them in charge, while he got rid of the body. The only thing they kept doing was stealing glances at me every chance they got.

Shawn took a few steps closer to me "This isn't like him, Are you his girlfriend?" He asked me. I could feel the bile trying to come up my throat at that question. My face scrunched up in disgust.

"I guess that's a no," Shawn laughed. "Plus why would he tie up his girlfriend anyways?" He asked himself thoughtfully.

I looked around and noticed the white haired man isn't anywhere to be seen. I guess he disappeared while I wasn't looking. I dropped my gaze onto my lap again.

The more I waited there for Caine, the more afraid I became. I didn't know if he would try anything. Oh who am I kidding it's Caine, of course he would, he needs to make sure I have my dose of suffering. I try to move my hands but they're tightly bound behind me. The rope is definitely going to leave bruises, he made sure I wouldn't have a chance to escape.

I looked up just in time to see the door to the warehouses open up and in came Caine, looking like the devil himself with that dark gleam in his eyes.

His mouth was set in a hard scowl, it seemed that he was carrying a black duffle bag. He tossed it too Shawn, while speaking in hushed whispers. I tried my best not to show how much it affected me to see Caine after his cruel, ruthless act earlier. It was impossible to hide my fear of him.

After he finished talking to Shawn, he begin to walk in my direction. He took slow, deliberate steps towards me. I tried my best to glower at him, but I failed miserably.

The next best thing I decided to do was strip my face void of any emotion. He didn't stop walking until he was right in front of me, his intimidating presence was towering over me.

He, first snatched the tape off my mouth, I winced slightly. The he bent down, and began to untie the ropes. I internally let out a breath of relief to finally have my wrists and ankles free. They were numb though, I could barely move them.

Caine then yanked me up by my hair, I whimpered as the hot pain traveled through my scalp. I groaned in pain as he yanked harder on it, tears blurring my vision. "Let me clear a few things up, don't you dare try and run. Just think about it and I'll blow your fucking brains out. Tonight you're going to accompanying me on a job. You're going to do everything I tell to. And if you don't, just know that you're going to have to deal with the consequences," He growled, lowly in my ear.

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