Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I walked in through the front door, I look around and noticed the house is silent as usual. I remembered seeing my mom's car in the driveway, so she must be home. I drag my feet over to the fridge, I grab a water bottle from the top shelve before I close it and continue my way to my room.

I trudged up the stairs, once I finally reach my room I dropped my messenger bag on the ground next to my bed. I've never hated school as much as I did now, with sharing the same classes as Caine, just seeing his face puts me in a bad mood after what he did, rage sparks in me every time.

Not only that but my best friend continues to walk around like a lifeless zombie. Not that I can blame her, what she went through anyone else would be the same. That bring me back to Caine I think spitefully to myself.

As I think about him a questions runs through my mind. A question I'm sure my mom would answer for me.

"Mom?" I called out as I opened the bedroom door she shares with Clayton. I spot her sitting on the bed, reading a novel. She glanced up at from her book momentarily before closing it. She places it on her night stand next to her bed.

"What is it, dear?" She asked as she patted the the space next to her. I closed the door behind me before sitting next to her.

"Why didn't you tell me Clayton had a son?" I blurted out through question that's been lingering in my mind since I met that evil little bitch.

She sighed before looking down. "Clayton and I didn't want you to know," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, this wasn't making sense.

"Why not" I asked her, curiously. "Because he was at a juvenile facility when I met Clay," She informed me. My eyebrows rose up in shock.

"Juvenile facility?" I echoed in disbelief. My mom only nodded.

"What for?" I had to know, I had to know why he why he was in there for. And why he didn't just stay there.

My mom hesitated before nodding reluctantly, she took a deep breath before explaining.

"Okay, Caine was a teenager with horrible anger issues. He would get angry over the slightest things. During the time he was 15 and 16 years old . He'd get into a lot of fights because of that, but one fight was so brutal that suspension couldn't cover it. They took him to a juvenile facility. The victim's parents pressed charges as well. Another unknown witness even claimed that Caine was involved in gang related activities. That added onto his record. Which caused him to stay in the facility for 2 years," My mother replied to me, the entire time my ears couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Caine is 19 years old, his parole officer told him he had to finish school. Since he was in the facility during 11th and 12th year of high school. He had to go back and do those years. Clayton didn't want me to tell you because he didn't want that information to changed the way you saw him and Caine. It's not something he likes to talk about, I felt like you had a right to know," My mom explained as she shook her head.

"I'm surprised that you didn't come to me sooner," She let out a small laugh. I just sat the there quietly as I let all that information sink in. No wonder I never heard of Caine, he was basically in jail during that time. And of course Clayton didn't want me to know, You'd want their future step daughter to know about his evil, anger issues having son. I wasn't the least bit surprised when I found out he had anger issues. I discovered that on my own, especially after all those punches and hair pulling. He'd get pissed off over the tiniest things.

After what happened on Saturday a mere two days ago. I was still shaken up and scared. That incident added onto the fear, I had of Caine. Every time I'd think about it, I'd burst into tears. It was honestly terrifying, and I don't think I could handle if he did that again.

"Mom?" I asked her, my voice quiet and unsure. Maybe I should just tell her, Maybe he can be put in jail, so he can't harm me again. This is the best option but what if Caine finds out? He would kill me, I know it. I remembered he warned me not to tell my mother. But what else can I do? Live in fear, looking over my shoulder to see if he's going to pop up somewhere to rape me?  That's just not going to work, something needs to be done.

"Yes, dear?" My mom answered, her green eyes swimming with concern as she looks at my facial expression. She has confusion mixed in with her concern.

I opened my mouth but no words come out. My eyes get blurry with tears, I don't say anything I just get up from the bed and run into my room to bawl my eyes out.

I laid in my bed for exactly 2 days, I told my mom I wasn't feeling well and asked to stay home. When she asked about what happened in her bedroom, I told her it was nothing. And that I was just fine, I was so paralyzed with fear that nothing wanted to come out. I'm so tired of being tormented in the hands of Caine, if my mom found out what he was doing to me.

She wouldn't hesitate to beat his ass and call the cops. But if this happened I know she would also divorced Clayton. How could she continue to live happily married to man whose son is terrorizing her daughter?

This is the happiest my mom has been since my father died. I couldn't ruin this for her, but the question is how much longer would I be able to handle this? What would a Caine do to me? How can I prove he is doing these horrible things to me?

Why did Clayton have to have a son anyways? If Caine is 19 why in the hell doesn't he have an apartment? He did just come from a juvenile facility, he doesn't have any money to support himself yet.

I sighed as I pulled the blankets over my head. All this thinking is going to make me cry. Over this last week I've cried more than I have in my whole life.

I rolled over onto my back, I stared at the glow in the dark stars stickers that littered my ceiling. Just looking at them brought back memories, I remember how long to took for Alyssa and I to put them up there. We used my dad's step ladder but unfortunately we were still too small to put them up there.

So then Alyssa decided to get on my back while I stood on the step ladder. We were able to put the stickers up there but towards the end, when we were almost done. Alyssa fell off my back and sprained her wrist. I faintly smile at the memory, Alyssa had cried non stop, until my mom rushed in and took her to the hospital. If it was one thing I knew about Alyssa it was that she was a really ugly crier, her face would be all scrunched up like she was constipated. I laughed so much once my mom left with Alyssa whining in her arms.

Those were the good times, but now look at where we are. That thought made that faint smile vanish from my lips. I grabbed my cell phone from underneath my pillow. I should call her and see how she's doing.

It's been a whole day since I last talked to her, she's was doing okay. She was finally done with those one word responds, but she was still really fragile in my eyes. I didn't won't do anything that might upset her. Even though I may not have experienced what she did I have a great understanding at what it feels like.

I put the phone up against my ear, I waited but, she didn't pick up. I called again but she still didn't pick up. Maybe she was busy or in the shower. I didn't worry about it much when I should have. If I had known what was taking place at this very second I wouldn't fallen into a restless slumber.

𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara