Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Anton stopped the car in front of a gated mansion. I peered at Caine as he grabbed a gun from the waistband of his jeans. I eyed the gun wearily, I'm going to have to witness another person's death. I mentally sighed, something tells me this one is going to be slow and painful not quick like he usually does.

Everyone exited the car. We quickly made our way towards the gate. Caine lifted his gun and fired bullets at the code panel. He turned his cold, furious gaze on us. "Alyssa and Shawn, I want you two to stay here and be watch out." He barked. He threw the broken code panel on the pavement and kicked at the gates of the mansion.

Alyssa and Shawn headed back in the direction of the car. While Anton tilted his head, indicating for me to follow him. I trailed after him and rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans. I wish I could've taken another route, maybe I wouldn't have been here to witness this.

When Anton and I reached the house, there wasn't a single person in sight. We walked through the glass door, our feet were soundless against the plush expensive carpet. I glanced around what I assumed to be the living room.

The mansion was completely trashed, everything was all over the place. The furniture was torn and flipped over, the flatscreen was discarded out the window. The glass ornaments was broken and littered the floor like shiny diamonds. There's no doubt in my mind that the rest of the house looked exactly like this. I wondered who would destroy such a beautiful house?

I took my attention off the living room to notice that Anton was already walking up the spiral staircase. I quickly followed his lead, until we were side by side. It wasn't until we reached what looked like an office that my stomach started clenching in unease.

There was Caine, who was completely enraged, it seemed like the poor man was already looking like he was brutally beaten. His face was a complete bloody mess, Caine didn't show any mercy because he continued to throw punches at his face, his knuckles were already bleeding profusely and bruised. But Caine didn't let that stop him. He only paused to push the man on the sofa behind him.

Leonardo Colton, who I presume is the man was. He tried to sit up but Caine shoved him down roughly. Caine glared down at Leonardo with so much anger and hate that a shiver went down my spine.

"Who in the fuck do you think you are?! Sending your men to burn down my shit! Are you still mad about that incident that happened 2 fucking years ago? Huh?" Caine spat, harshly as he hauled Leonardo up by his shirt. Leonardo tried to speak but only blood escaped his mouth.

Caine's face twisted up in disgust before he stepped back and let him fall back onto the sofa.  He bent down to shuffle through a large black bag near the wooden coffee table.

"Since you decided to fire with fire, let me show you that I always win," Caine growled as he pulled out a butcher knife that was practically the size of my 5'3 height. That knife alone could cause so much damage and make even a grown man cower in fear. Why the man was so foolish to destroy something Caine actually cared about? I know he probably wanted revenge but maybe he should've try to find a better hiding place than his own home. Just looking at the scene made me want to run like my hair was on fire.

Caine shoved everything off the coffee table. He turned his gaze back to Leonardo. He wrapped his arms around him and threw him on the table with so much force I'm surprised that it didn't break. I flinched when the loud noise echoed around the room. Even Anton was fidgeting slightly which made me uneasy because surely he was use to this sort of treatment Caine gave to people.

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