Chapter 2: Hit and Run

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One morning during a long stroll through the woods, you emerged upon a vast area of rolling hills and cornfields. Your face lit up when you saw an unmistakable landmark just a little ways off - a large, faded red barn with a silo jutting out from the side at an angle, and with the back end of a pickup truck emerging from just above the barn door.

“I come in peace!” you called as you approached. Peridot leaned out from inside the barn, just enough to be able to see you.

“Who are you?” she asked with mild disgust in her voice at your intrusion.

“I'm (Y/N) - a friend,” you replied.

“What do you want?”

“I was just passing through and thought I'd stop in and say hello.”

“Lapis, you can come down now!” she shouted. Lapis Lazuli sat up from the back of the truck, extended her wings of water, and dropped soundlessly to the ground.

“Hello,” you said with a gentle smile.

“Hi,” Lapis replied hesitantly but pleasantly. “So… what brings you out here?”

“I live nearby. I came upon your home here, so I thought I'd like to meet you guys.” You spied an unusual metal construction inside the barn behind her. “Is that one of your-” you started to ask, pointing over her shoulder and trying to remember their word for art.

“Meepmorps?” Peridot suggested.

“That's the word I was looking for.”

“Pfft, hardly,” Peridot scoffed. “That is a fully-functional multi-gem superluminal interstellar transport. I built it myself. It wasn't easy. It took me nearly a week. It probably slowed me down that Pearl helped.”

“So it's..?” you asked, a bit lost from the diminutive gem's technobabble.

“It's a spaceship,” Lapis clarified.

“Well, yes,” Peridot admitted.

“Have you tested it out yet?”

“Oh, we did more than that,” Lapis said, knowing Peridot would want to be the one to tell the full story.

“We made use of its full potential just last week, well, a few thousand years ago taking the time dilation into effect. There was this gem ruler from a distant galaxy, Heliodor of the Emerald Hegemony. She came here to steal a corrupted gem from the Temple to experiment on to try to find a corruption cure, because the Hegemony’s original ruler, Chrysoberyl, was corrupted and kept in a semi-lucid state by Heliodor’s technology. She hoped that if she could find a way to cure Ja-aah…” she trailed off, looking apologetically at Lapis.

“You're allowed to say her name, you know,” Lapis said, rolling her eyes but smiling at Peridot's consideration.

“Right. Anyway, since Jasper was a unique case of secondary corruption, she thought she could cure it and extrapolate from there. But we all used the transport to follow through the temporal wake, and we met up with another group of rebel gems called Matrix Null and a squad of human and alien soldiers and wizards. By the time we caught up, Heliodor had actually decorrupted Jasper, but it turned out the solution was only temporary, so Heliodor was going to shatter her like she'd done to her previous experiments, well, technically, a gem supersoldier called Hematite was going to do it, but she broke out and poofed Heliodor, who we then captured, and helped us escape after she punched Hematite out into space! Jasper reverted and got poofed and put back in the Temple when we got back to Earth, but then Heliodor’s gem ship showed up a few days later and stole Jasper again, they probably would've stolen Heliodor, but they keep her well hidden. We'd follow in our ship, but there hasn't been a temporal wake detected, so they probably haven't even left!” Peridot was left gasping for breath.

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