Chapter 11: Dead End

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Jasper’s eyes lit up in delight. A smile crossed her face. Not a smug grin, not a shark-toothed grimace, a genuine smile. She really looked happy. Childishly delighted, even.

“They’ll allow that?”

“Yep. There’s no trouble. They won’t bother us. Welcome to Earth beyond this house! So, do you want to go anywhere?”

Her smile drooped a bit.

“You… you do mean together, right?”

“No,” you said, intentionally exaggerating your sarcasm to ensure she wouldn’t think you were serious, “I’m kicking you out. Go on. Get.” You laughed. “Of course I mean together. Unless you want to go somewhere on your own, of course. Just tell me if you’re ever going to so that way I won’t worry.”

“Together is good,” she responded thankfully.

“Oh Jasper, don’t look so worried! For as long as I’m around, you never need to be alone again. I know we can’t fuse, but if we could…” You paused and looked up into her eyes. “... I’d stay.”

Without skipping a beat, she bent down and hugged you tight. When she stood up, your feet dangled above the floor. You were off balance at first, but by leaning into her you found a stable position. Along with the new $4.99 Italian Hero panini from Subway, available for a limited time, you figured that cuddling with Jasper was probably the best thing in the world. You hadn’t even been exaggerating when you spoke. You really did already love her that much. If she hadn’t picked you up, the butterflies in your stomach probably would have lifted you off the ground anyway. You were torn inside by the knowledge that there was no way you could be together for very long, while at the same time knowing you never wanted to be apart from her.

“You're too perfect for a human. Are you sure you aren't some sort of diamond playing a trick on me?”

“Yeah? Well I thought you were supposed to be some kind of living weapon, but you seem to me like you're just a big snuggly sweetheart.”

“Shut up,” she grumbled, though you could feel her torso shake with faint laughter. “... I'm just more of a living shield now, maybe.”

You patted her shoulder, and, interpreting the signal, she carefully set you back down on your feet.

“So I do have one idea where we could go. Do you by any chance want to try eating?”

“Can’t hurt,” she responded. Not exactly enthusiastic, but not horrified either.

“It isn’t the eating part that’s important so much. This is just a common thing for humans to do together, and a good way to get to know each other. Anyway, I know there's a place called ‘Cap’n Fishstick’s Family Frigate.’ They had a location where I grew up. Used to go there a lot as a kid. It's the farthest thing from formal, so you won't have to worry about embarrassing yourself, and what better way to overcome your negative memories of the sea than by devouring its contents?”

“You're making that up.”

“No, really! What's so unbelievable?”

“'Captain Fishstick?’ That isn't a real name. I'm not an idiot.”

“You're right, it isn't a real name, and he isn't a real captain… or a real person, for that matter. He's just a mascot. A fictional character people will associate with the brand.”

“How does that work?”

“I think the ins and outs of human marketing are a bit too complicated for me to explain right now, and it isn't very relevant to you anyway. So do you want to go there?”

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