Chapter 15: Desperate Measures

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The thing rushed forward, then slowed to a peculiar sort of oozing shamble as it crawled over tables and pushed chairs from its path. When it became close enough to see, it stopped, simply staring at both of you.

You were confident that this thing would never make an appearance in a kids' show even if these events ended up as episodes. It was a fusion of all of the shards of the three unbubbled amethysts. The creature was as tall as the ceiling was high. It was entirely one shade of purple, without any sort of uniform. Various portions of its distorted body gave an uncomfortable impression of nudity, but there was no discernible anatomy. It had nothing resembling feet, instead shuffling about on a single giant "foot" like that of a snail, formed from a tangled, melted-looking mass of legs. In place of a right arm was a colossal hand, its palm bent backwards. At the end of each enormous finger was a tiny, shrivelled hand, each slimy and moist-looking, each gnarled, and none with the correct number of digits. Its hair hung in hideous greyish mats, lank and damp, on random parts of its body, with relatively little on its heads. The creature had three heads, more or less. One sat in the middle of what appeared to be the creature's chest. It was slimy and hairless, covered in skin stretched so tight it was slightly translucent. It was almost completely smooth, without any indication of where eyes, ears, or a nose should have been. Its only feature was a lipless mouth full of oversized straight white teeth set in gums which appeared rotten. It hung as if its neck was broken, twitching and thrashing violently like a videogame with glitchy ragdoll physics. It made a steady noise like the last gasps of someone being strangled to death. Its second head sat on top of the body, right where it should be, only it was twice the size it should have been, and its face was on the wrong side. Through sparse wisps of limp grey and white hair, you could see its skeletal visage, with empty eye sockets, a cavity where its nose should have been, and a mouth which seemed toothless until you realized there was skin growing over its teeth. Like a parasitic twin, the third, primary head was attached to the other side (arguably the front) of the second without a neck. This one actually had a fairly normal amount of hair, as well as the features one would typically expect to find on a head. It had two ears which looked chewed, a nose so upturned it was basically just a pair of nostrils, a mouth which stretched upward all the way to the ear on one side and hung in a loose jowl like a stroke victim's on the other. One eye was bloodshot and blank white, while the other, which was of normal coloration, was bizarrely undersized. Four more eyes shifted about on the creature's form. In its left hand (which was mounted on a surprisingly well-formed arm) it had attempted to summon its weapons. Unable to form anything coherent, there was instead a deformed, blade-like spike glitching out of the flesh of its forearm.

It physically hurt just to look at the thing as it resumed shambling towards you.

Suddenly, the door was broken down with a battering ram. Police swarmed in, training their guns on the creature. A lawyer strode in.

"You are hereby ordered to unfuse and desist! I'm suing you for copyright infringement on behalf of David Cronenberg!"

Except of course that didn't actually happen. The exit doors stayed sealed as they were as the creature advanced. It stretched out its right fingers, grasping at you with its freakish baby hands.

Jasper's right fist shot out, knocking the limbs back away from you. She stepped in front of you and summoned her helmet.

"Get away from my human, you mutant defective freak!"

She struck out with her left fist, only to find it in the mouth of the twitching faceless head when it sprang suddenly to attention. It clamped its big teeth together on her arm. The fact that Jasper was orange made it fitting, though no less worrying, that it sounded like someone biting into a carrot.

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