Chapter 10: Diplomatic Relations

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Your heart leapt halfway up your throat. You wanted to say yes. You wanted to tell her everything. But love was so new to her. She didn't even have a good understanding of it. If she ever did, she might do better finding it with another human or gem. You wanted to just tell her, but you couldn't. She might regret it later, and that just wouldn't be right.

“Why do you ask?” you replied after a lengthy silence. Your heart was pounding furiously. You just hoped she couldn't feel it.

“Because you told me Jaspilite loved me, and you act like her.”

“Well what does that prove?”

“It isn't just that. It's also the way you make me feel about… well, myself.”

“What do you mean?”

“My existence was at its end when you found me, (Y/N). I was broken. Disgraced. Defeated. I'd failed in just about every way. I was… an animal, consumed by my own rage, self-hatred, and self-pity.

But you…” You rolled over to face her. She took a moment to look over your face, as if memorizing it. “With you, I feel like I'm going to find some sort of purpose again, even if it's just protecting you. Like a new start. Like a second chance to do right all the things I couldn't do before. Like you're… my new Pink Diamond, almost.”

“Let's hope that isn't a bad sign for me!” you said with a smirk.

“Don't even joke about that,” she muttered mirthlessly.

“You're right, I'm sorry. C’mere.”

You wrapped your arms around her shoulders and rested your head on hers. Some of her hair tickled your nose. Jasper smelled nice. Almost… floral?

“You never did answer my question.” You giggled softly when you felt the vibrations as she spoke. You leaned back so you could look her in the eyes.

“Well, you've kind of put me on the spot here. I do have certain feelings towards you which I'm still trying to figure out. Usually, love can't develop overnight. It can take months, sometimes years, before it develops and you realize it's there. But if I have to answer your question - get down, quickly!”

Someone was knocking at the front door downstairs. Jasper rolled stealthily off the bed and onto the floor, where she ducked out of sight of the windows. You stood up and looked out.

“Yep, it's them. Just… stay down for now. I'll sort this out.”

You made your way downstairs and opened the door. Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were all standing on the doorstep.

“Hey guys. Whatcha doing here?”

“We were worried when you didn't return yesterday like you said you would. With Hematite having been stored in your home at one point, and with Jasper still being at large, we think she might be in the area,” Garnet explained.

“Can't say that I've seen any sign of her,” you lied. You wanted to tell them the truth when you had more control over the situation than this.

“Guys!” Steven called from behind them. “Look at this!” He was pointing to two sets of footprints in the walkway, one very large, and one human sized. Pearl looked up at the house and then back to you.

“(Y/N),” she said quietly, “blink twice if you're in danger.”

“What? No! I'm not in danger.”

“Yeah, well something's up. You look like you've been crying. She's keeping you trapped here, isn't she?” Amethyst suggested. “Yo sis, step out where we can see you and this doesn't have to get ugly!”

It's Becoming Crystal Clear (Jasper x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin