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XRenia entered her bedroom, walk straight over to her large closet and rifled through her clothes looking for suitable travel wear. Her clothes were all neatly hung on a rotating conveyor belt in some type of perfect order she had never quite figured out. As she used magic to turn the conveyor belt on she found herself supremely happy that she had never had to put them away herself. She watched set after set of clothing rolled by until she finally found a white sleeveless silk oriental shirt and a pair of blue denim pants that matched the relative style of the common people in her kingdom.

She laid them out on her bed and used her magic to make them look worn and used then spent the better part of a half an hour weaving protective spells into them making them as defensive as any set of armor.

After slipping into them and throwing away her old clothes she went to the mirror. She stared at herself in the mirror for bit then said, "I guess I probably should try to disguise myself some."

XRenia let her long chest length hair down and shook it out. For a moment she thought about cutting some of it off but realized that was too cliché. So instead she used her magic to change her black hair into bright red then to complete the effect she changed her brown eyes into ivy green.

She took another look into the mirror. She was definitely different now but she still look like herself. Well maybe it was time to borrow one more of her grandfather's magic items. She thought.

She left to room and snuck back down to the war room. Very carefully she glanced around the corner then quickly pulled back.

Good her grandmother was no longer there. She peeped her head back out and used her magic to transfer the item she was after from the vault to her dimensional inventory then quickly teleported back to her bedroom.

She waited breathlessly against the door for her grandfather or one of her family to appear but no one did. Which meant no one had seen her. She smiled to herself. Having seemingly omnipotent guardians like her family made it really hard to sneak around but she had succeeded. For now that is, eventually someone would realize her theft but hopefully she would be in Thaxium by the time they did.

She went to the mirror again and pulled out the priceless item she had borrowed. It was a paper thin mask that allowed one to change their appearance and magic signature. She put it on her face and it glowed slightly as it absorbed into her skin.

"Okay so now to decide what to change." She stared into the mirror. XRenia liked the way she looked the only part of herself that slightly annoyed her was the smaller nose bridge she had inherited from her grandmother. "I guess I can fix that," she said to herself and channeled energy into the magical artifact hiding underneath her skin. Her nose bridge rose and became slightly more prominent.

She turned her head side to side. Perfect. She was now the absolute definition of beauty. At least in her own eyes. But that wasn't the goal she was trying to disguise herself which meant she needed to change something else, even though she really didn't want. "Hey Verin. What should I change?"

He didn't answer.

"Oh come on this is your one chance to make me into your perfect beauty."

He still didn't answer.

"Come on I need some help here."

She felt him sigh. "Okay. Okay I'll help. Maybe make your round chin a little bit more pointed and your cheekbones a little higher."

"Ah so you like heart-shaped faced woman."

He didn't answer but she could vaguely feel him think something about knowing he shouldn't have answered.

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