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"Good morning," Verin said as her eyes fluttered open and the morning light peaked through the window. She closed them again and snuggled in his arms as she whispered, "Verin."

He petted her hair. "You do know that is not my name," he teased.

She laughed. "Ah but it is didn't you hear my grandpa? He said, 'Vifctif, who shell hence forth, be known as Verin Nylander Axium.' So your name is indeed now Verin, and my last name is still Axium," she said with a smile.

"Oh I guess your right he did didn't he?" He gave a small laugh and lifted her chin and kissed her.

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door and Neo's voice said, "It's time king Brokon and the coalitions' army have assembled at Terra's border. War is upon us."


XRenia and Verin stepped through their portal and there high in the sky on one side of Terra's border hovered her parents and grandparents and there other side at the same height King Brokon and the coalition's army hundreds of thousands strong sat perched on the mountain's plateau; right where her grandma guessed they would be.

She flew out and took her place beside her mother and Verin joined her as the entire Axium bloodline stared down the armies assembled to kill them.

King Brokon wearing a full body gold and white mechanical suit rose in the sky and flew right up to the edge of the border. "Royal family of Terra the seven nation coalition of world peace has come to make its demands. And I King Brokon am it's emissary."

"Coalition of world peace? Is that what you're calling this insanity?" Someone using a powerful voice amplifying spell called from far below.

XRenia glanced down to see thousands of Terra's citizens, gathered at the edge of her father's shield, that she hadn't notice before. Two young men stood above the rest on a raised platform made of a weird combination of earth and multicolored shields.

"Oh, somehow I think that's fitting brother. And the ultimate irony!" from what she could tell the older of the two young men shouted. "Especially seeing as how they are the ones gathered at our border and threatening our beloved Royal family even after we built this shield wall to protect ourselves from them!"

"Silence!" King Brokon shouted.

"Oh shut up you bloated cow," the younger of the two shouted back. "We all know the true reason you're here is because XRenia didn't choose you."

Terra's citizen roared in approval of the young man statement. And goaded on by the crowd around him the lad continued, "I hope Mathis rips your head clean off."

King Brokon jaw twitched and his blocky face became beet red.

Her grandfather turned to her father and raised an eyebrow.

Malthus nodded and waved his hand at the golden shield far below. A second thin shield parted from it and slowly started to roll across the land forcing Terra's citizens to disperse and retreat farther back into Terra's territory.

King Brokon watched as the two troublemakers jumped off their platform and disappeared into the crowd then turned his attention back to them. "Forget formalities," he spat. "The coalition demands that the warmongering shedog known as XRenia and her bond mate be exiled from earth and that the royal family of Terra never give birth to another offspring."

The air around them rose in temperature as XRenia's father's temper flared, but despite his anger he didn't move from his spot beside her mother.

Her grandfather the supreme ruler over all of Terra on the other hand floated through the sky till he was mere inches away from King Brokon's face. "Darrell I have known you since you were conceived I have watched over you defended your honor and given you aid in your time of need," her grandfather said in a low barely audible voice. "But today with your insults and pride you have disgraced yourself before my eyes; you and your people will remove yourself from our border or you will fill the full wrath of the Axium bloodline."

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