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"Emundans?" Verin asked.

"I believe he was referring to the dragon claw thing," XRenia answered then narrowed her eyes at him. "What was all that about protecting and honoring me?"

Verin shrugged. "Hey he was threatening to rip my arms off and hand me to your bloodthirsty grandfather. What you expect me to say. 'I'm sorry sir your daughters to spoil rotten for me.'"

She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "I am not spoiled rotten."

He didn't answer he just smiled at her with a quirky grin.

XRenia bent down and scooped up the blueprint tablet and turned her back on him. She flipped through the list of possible decorations and sarcastically said, "Well as you know the saying goes spoil a daughter, starve a son."

Verin half laughed half choked. "I've never heard such a thing before in my life."

"That's because all you have ever talk to is sheep," she responded as she selected a set of large angel statues with wings that roughly resemble harps and placed their indicators on either side of the massive main entrance.

He gaped at her then slammed his mouth shut with a resounding smack. "I resent that fact."

XRenia integrated four more similar angel statues into the building itself then added six rectangular pillars. Three on either side of the structure each one taller than the other until the two on the left and right of the main glass dome were slightly taller than the peak of the glass. "Ah but you do admit it is a fact."

"Indeed but at least sheep are much nicer to be around then you," Verin replied his voice smarming with sarcasm as he tried to look over her shoulder and see what she was doing.

"Your lips say otherwise, or do you kiss your sheep to?" XRenia countered. She added winglike frills to the pillars and a few places on the palace. Last but not least she added a few incense burners to make it mystical then she switched to the color and texture selection.

"Not all just the female ones. And some of them are much better at it than you."

She found white marble and click on the tablets preview. She didn't like it. "So you're one of those type of people now are you?" She continued to scroll down through the colors but most of them were disabled because they didn't have the materials or resources until she came to gold which was surprisingly enabled.

"Gold plating how's that possible? We barely have enough to rub two silvers together much less plate and entire palace in gold." Verin exclaimed. "And no I'm not one of those type of people."

"Ha your pitiful attempt at witty banter dug yourself into a hole, sheep lover." She teased as she clicked on more information. It was pyrite also known as fool's gold, apparently they had built on a small deposit of it. She clicked on the preview.

"Oh wow that's amazing it looks like some type mystical temple or something." Verin said as he looked over her shoulder.

"It's too grand for a sheep lover like yourself but I believe it's perfect for a supreme ruler like me." XRenia selected gold plating as the base color then added a few carving designs and tiled the courtyard flooring. When she was done she placed a tablet back down, and kneeled beside it.

"You know that sheep lover comment is really lame."

She laughed and activated the last stage of spells.

Verin quickly knelt down beside her and added his magic to hers.

She frowned at him. "I don't need your help."

"Maybe not but I rather not let you collapse from exhaustion and have to carry you all the way to your new bedroom. Wherever it is in this new colossal palace of ours."

She harrumphed and turned her head away from him. Even though secretly she was quite happy he was helping her.

"Not so secretly." He said with a smirk.

And now she did feel like punching him.

Verin laughed this time.

Him being able to read her thoughts was just so wrong, she thought as the magic flowed through her and she struggled to keep herself upright. If she would have been at her full strength she probably would've punched him but instead she found herself leaning against him.

And he leaned against her.

She closed her eyes and let herself drift away in his smell. But all too soon the spell finished and he jumped to his feet.

"Oh wow this is too stinking cool! I don't think I've ever seen another palace this awesome before."

At loud exclamation she opened her eyes and looked up at their new palace. Thanks to the gold plating the sun reflected off of every part of their palace cascading, beautiful rays of light in all directions. He was right it was absolutely amazing!

He grabbed her hand and jumped to his feet pulling her with him. "Come on let's go explore it."

She pulled away. "Wait, I want to send a picture to my mom first."

"Fine but make it quick."

XRenia drew a scrying in the air and took a snapshot then quickly edited the picture adding mountains behind the palace and changing the courtyard so it look like the whole palace was built on the summit of a sierra. When she finished she sent the picture to her mom using her magic.

 When she finished she sent the picture to her mom using her magic

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She nodded and followed him as he excitedly ran towards the entrance of the palace.

But right before they entered their new palace the magical alarms went off and the gun emplacements popped out of the ground.

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