Chapter 2 (Aiden's pov)

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Walking across the lawn with my father yelling at my back about how ungrateful I am isn't uncommon. Looking back isn't an option as he yells at me to get back in the house. Instead I continue walking down the side walk in our quint little neighbourhood.

Getting kicked out isn't uncommon, and neither is the arguments that always escalate to someone storming out the house. That someone usually being me. Every time is happens I walk down the street, thinking about what went wrong in life. When did I screw up and how did I become such a disappointment to my family? Ever since my mothers death, my father and I have butted heads like enemies in a boxing ring.  

 Before moms death my father and I would work on cars while my mom made us snacks. My dad taught me boxing and many forms of martial arts. We were really close, but all that changed when I was fourteen and my mother died from breast cancer. After that my father and I didn't talk, but yelling insults at each other could be heard for miles. I didn't even know he was dating till I found him screwing my step mother.

I don't know which caused me to get into fight and start doing illegal shit. It could've been my mothers death or my father attitude change or all of it together baring its weight down on me. I started underground fighting because I got kicked out of recreational boxing for being to aggressive, and I started street racing for the adrenaline rush, and I got expelled from two schools within a year. I have lived at my current house for about a year now and am trying to be good, but that doesn't mean that my bad boy persona is going away. This place has the best underground fighting arena ever and plenty of street racers. There's this one street racer that's amazing and I hate saying it because she's a girl, but she custom builds cars and has a huge garage full of cars that she loans out like limos. She's hot as hell and doesn't seem stuck up though I don't know if I am able to say that since I've never talked to her. No one has really. Its like she's mute or something.

My thoughts scatter as my skull thunks against the ground forcefully. Thankfully I landed side ways and my head is in grass instead of concrete that would've cracked my skull down the middle.  The air is knocked out of me twice. Once from falling and a second time from a girl landing on top of me. I try taking a deep breath and get a mouth full of hair. It smells like lemons, which I never thought smelled good before, but there was more to it. I couldn't place it. After being able to breath again I look up at the girl that ran me over. She apologizes profusely as I look her over.

Her voice is soft even as she freaks out about hurting me. Her blue eyes are incredibly bright and her skin is tan. Glancing over her i'm surprised to see that she is in a pair of workout short and a sports bra. I see something on her side that looks like a tattoo. Looking her over I noticing just how tall she is compared to the girls at Prescott High School. She's at least 5'10 though its still short compared to my 6'5 muscular, sexy self.

" Take a picture it'll last longer." She say as she notices my glance, and finally catches her breath. " What are you doing in this town anyway?"

"I live in this town actually." She shakes her head whatever and starts to run down the pathway to what I assume is her house. Well that was a short conversation. Why would it matter why i'm in town? she acts like she knows me even though I know for a fact that we haven't met. I think I would've noticed a girl with a body like that.  "Hey, wait." I say grabbing her arm. Maybe if I can get this girl to like me I can stay here tonight and get her in bed at the same time.

"I'm not sleeping with you, so no. Go away now, shoooo" She says like I'm a dog. When I don't let go of her arm she looks at me expectantly. I've never had someone turn me down and it seems impossible that she would know what I want or was it really that obvious. I know i'm a player but I didn't think that it oozed out of me making everyone know.

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